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Cybersecurity Best Practices: Protect Your Team from Phishing Attacks

Phishing happens. It is probably happening as you read this. Right now, some well-defended company is having data under its care exposed. This data may contain sensitive information, such as login credentials, and in many cases, it is only known that an attack of this type has taken place after the fact. Protecting yourself and your employer against phishing attacks relies foremost on critical thinking; however, there are some business processes and technologies that can help.

Using nginx and Sentry to Trace Errors to Logs

To quote the timeless Ren and Stimpy jingle, “everyone needs a log.” It’s true — everyone does need a log, especially developers. Despite the fact that no developer looks forward to combing through logs, they’re incredibly useful when unexpected performance issues, like one we recently had with file uploads, need some investigation.

What Is Etcd and How Do You Set Up an Etcd Cluster?

Etcd is an open-source distributed key-value store created by the CoreOS team, now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It is pronounced “et-cee-dee”, making reference to distributing the Unix “/etc” directory, where most global configuration files live, across multiple machines. It serves as the backbone of many distributed systems, providing a reliable way for storing data across a cluster of servers.

Leveraging Service Accounts for Label-based Security

One of the key Kubernetes security concepts is that workload identity is tied back to information that the orchestrator has. The orchestrator is actually the authoritative entity for what the actual workloads are in the platform. Kubernetes uses labels to select objects and to identify collections of objects that satisfy certain conditions. We, and others in the Kubernetes networking space, often talk about using Kubernetes ‘labels’ as identity bearers.

Office 365 Suffers Multiple Outages for Start of 2019

Unfortunately, Microsoft and Office 365 suffered their second major outage of the year and this one was even bigger than the first. We say “unfortunately” because even though our business is to help monitor cloud and SaaS services and our business goes up when there are problems, we don’t wish an outage on any cloud provider. Operating a SaaS business at the scale of Microsoft Office 365 is a herculean task and that’s why they get paid the big bucks.

Escalations and Maintenance Windows Are Critical to Downtime Response

Uptime.com includes several advanced check options to provide the flexibility organizations need in creating a response plan to downtime. Maintenance and planned downtime for patches and updates don’t typically create severe downtime events. With escalations, teams have an automated alert system that contacts designated senior-level personnel with relevant technical data.

How to Identify Orphaned EBS Snapshots to Optimize AWS Costs

So a while back I got an email from our finance team. I was tasked to assist with tagging resources in our AWS infrastructure and investigate which items are contributing to certain costs. I don’t know about other engineers, but these kinds of tasks are on the same realm of fun as … wiping bird poop off your windshield at a gas station. So I did the sanest thing I could think of.