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Collect and Manage your Binary Metadata using Build-Info

Our modern life depends on software from the most trivial to critical task. How software is built, behaves and what actually contains are fundamental questions that almost all stakeholders of the Software Development Life Cycle need to know. Being able to effectively manage your binaries (aka software packages, artifacts, containers, images…) provides full control over your binary lifecycle.

InfluxData Closes Series E Round and Raises $81 Million in Capital

Today is an important milestone for InfluxData. I am thrilled to share that we closed our $51 million Series E round, and a $30 million debt facility, raising $81 million in capital. The Series E round was led by our new investors Princeville Capital and Citi Ventures, with participation from our existing investors Battery Ventures, Mayfield Fund, Sapphire Ventures, Trinity Ventures, Norwest Venture Partners, Sorenson Capital, and Harmony Partners.

Guide on Structured Logs [Best Practices included]

Structured logging is the method of having a consistent log format for your application logs so that they can be easily searched and analyzed. Having structured logs allows for more efficient searching, filtering, and aggregation of log data. It enables users to extract meaningful information from log data easily. Logging is an essential aspect of system administration and monitoring. Logging allows you to record information data about the application's activity.

Troubleshoot and monitor .NET application deployed in Azure!

Document360 is one of the leading knowledge base platforms in the market, with over 1000 enterprise customers. The initial version of Document360 was released in the year 2017. Due to the simple and elegant user experience and competitive feature set, it gained the traction of many customers in the market, leaving it to become one of the category’s top tools.

What's new in Avantra 23.1

It only feels like yesterday that I was writing about the new features in Avantra 23.0, but today I’m pleased to announce that Avantra 23.1, our first feature update of Avantra 23, is ready for download. We’ve been working on a number of different areas that I’ll try to summarize here, but I apologize for the length of this post! For those who want a complete list of changes, check out our public release notes.

An Introduction to Application Monitoring

Users prefer an application that runs smoothly and without bugs to one that may have an appealing UI and shiny new features but comes with issues. Application monitoring is critical to the health of your application. With application monitoring, you can stay on top of any errors and ensure your application performs as it should. In this article, we'll cover: Let’s dive straight in!

Prometheus Alertmanager best practices

Have you ever fallen asleep to the sounds of your on-call team in a Zoom call? If you’ve had the misfortune to sympathize with this experience, you likely understand the problem of Alert Fatigue firsthand. During an active incident, it can be exhausting to tease the upstream root cause from downstream noise while you’re context switching between your terminal and your alerts. This is where Alertmanager comes in, providing a way to mitigate each of the problems related to Alert Fatigue.

Azure Storage: Compare Prices and Plans - The Ultimate Guide

Azure Storage is a cloud-based storage solution offered by Microsoft. It provides scalable and secure storage for unstructured and structured data, including blobs, files, queues, and tables. With Azure Storage, you can store and access your data from anywhere in the world. The service is flexible and customizable, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes and industries. But, with so many plans and options available, it can be difficult to determine the best plan for your business needs.