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How To Improve Workflow Productivity And Operational Efficiency?

Did you know that an average worker spends approximately 3 hours per 8 hour workday in personal or unproductive work? A significant amount of time is lost in repetitive or administrative tasks, which do not aid in increasing project productivity. Instead, they adversely impact employee satisfaction and efficiency by robbing substantial project time. As such, improving workflow productivity and efficiency has become a key challenge for organizations today.

The Application Blame Game - New Survey Reveals Troubling Trends in IT

Studies consistently show that a positive UX (user experience) drives revenue growth, repeat business and brand loyalty. Here’s a good example: in Robert Pressman’s book Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, he writes “For every dollar spent to resolve a problem during product design, $10 would be spent on the same problem during development, and multiply to $100 or more if the problem had to be solved after the product’s release.”

The Case for Cost Containment With Professional Services and Staff Augmentation

At the start of our enterprise cost containment series, Leon examined what cost containment is and why IT pros should care. Basically, you should care how your projects and work affect the business’s bottom line and should understand enough about it that you can communicate effectively with management. Even though you may not think about the business in this way most of the time, it directly affects your job.

Covea Insurance drives customer service innovation with ServiceNow

The insurance sector is incredibly competitive and tightly regulated, so being able to provide great customer service is vital to success. And having the right technology is imperative to delivering quality service. At Covéa Insurance, the UK arm of France’s top mutual insurance group, we provide commercial, motor, high-net worth, property, pet, and protection insurance to more than 2 million customers.

Quick Demo: Ivanti UEM for Clients

Some of the many ways that malware, including ransomware, is commonly spread is through malicious attachments to business email, unsanctioned apps downloaded from third-party app stores, drive-by downloads via phishing and pharming attacks, employing brute-force tactics using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and network propagation via SMB and CIFS sharing.

Mobile Devices are Ubiquitous, and so are Cyberattacks

We all like to enjoy untethered freedom, as is shown by the incredible growth of mobile devices we use every day for business and personal activities. We use mobile devices for buying products and services, and banking and investing. We download apps that allow us to connect with our favorite businesses and socially interact with friends and relatives.

Enhanced customer experience: A conversation with Rogers Communications

The success of a modern business starts with recognizing the value of the customer and committing to provide a great experience. The best companies do this by putting respect and empathy at the core of every interaction. In today’s new era of work, delivering an enhanced customer experience has become increasingly connected with the employee experience. This creates new opportunities for organizations to drive stronger satisfaction for both parties simultaneously.

The Future of Technology Operations with Charlie Betz of Forrester Research

Recently, we had the opportunity to hear from Charlie Betz of Forrester Research about the future of technology operations. He covered the shift from project-based work to product team orientation, the integration between DevOps and IT services and the ways in which the entire enterprise is getting value from investments in artificial intelligence. Check out some of the interesting questions and answers from the discussion and be sure to catch the full conversation in the video below.

Improve Your CMDB for Business Outcomes with Application Dependency Mapping

A configuration management database (CMBD) is a centralized repository that stores information about all the significant entities in your IT environment. These can include your hardware, installed software applications, documents, business services, and even the people who are part of your IT system. The CMDB is designed to help you maintain and support the interrelationships between the configuration items (CIs) within a vast IT structure.