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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Optimizing Your Instance with ServiceNow HealthScan

ServiceNow HealthScan quickly scans your instance and gives you recommendations on optimizing your instance and eliminating technical debt. With over a hundred best practice definitions, it provides interactive and filterable reports on security, usability, performance, manageability and upgradeability by ServiceNow product.

Proactive ITSM: Staying Ahead of The Curve

Although technology continues to evolve, the processes that support Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) have remained relatively unchanged for several decades. One of the main challenges to delivering high-quality IT services in this long-established approach is reactivity – that is, focusing on incident management as a means to resolve something that should never have happened in the first place.

Moving Ahead: $85 Million in Funding and the Next Chapter in Our Journey

Patrick, Vincent and myself founded Nexthink because we believed in a future in which IT departments and employees work together to have a great digital experience. At that time, we observed that IT departments were traditionally focused on server, network and applications and often neglected the employee experience as a key driver for success and productivity. At best, organizations were reactive to support users, instead of proactively fixing issues before employees were impacted.

How to Enhance Your ServiceNow Investment with Nexthink

In describing why Nexthink is a critical partner in their value-offering Morten Grønneb?k, Chief Commercial Officer at BusinessNow, said “What we were experiencing as a consultancy company was that SLAs might be green out there, but your customers or end-users’ satisfaction was often red.” Indeed, prior to Nexthink, BusinessNow was increasingly faced with a major issue: clients’ IT departments were blind to IT issues at the end-user level, although data centers seemed oper