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How Can You Contribute to Open-Source Projects with @salaboy - KubeCon NA 23 Insights - Civo TV

Join Mauricio Salatino, an experienced software developer and contributor to the Dapper project, as he shares valuable insights on contributing to open-source projects. This video from KubeCon NA 23 on Civo TV offers practical advice on finding projects that align with your interests, engaging with communities, starting with small contributions, and gradually taking on bigger roles.

PagerDuty Copilot | Generative AI for PagerDuty Operations Cloud

Introducing PagerDuty Copilot: Your GenAI assistant for critical operations work. For scaling your teams. For sustaining customer experiences. For moving business forward – faster. Work more efficiently. Protect more revenue. Build greater operational resilience. PagerDuty Copilot is the AI assistant operations teams trust to help them manage business-impacting issues in seconds, not hours. From event to resolution, PagerDuty Copilot’s automations help you resolve issues faster, reduce risk, and control costs.

Using Amazon SageMaker orb to orchestrate model deployment across environments

This tutorial guides you on how to use the Amazon SageMaker Orb to orchestrate model deployment to endpoints across different environments. It also shows how to use the CircleCI platform to monitor and manage promotions and rollbacks. It will use an example project repository to walk you through every step, from training a new model package version to deploying your model across multiple environments.

The Significant Role of Technology in the Criminal Justice Sector

The integration of technology into the criminal justice sector has marked a significant evolution in the way law enforcement, legal proceedings, and correctional operations are conducted. This paradigm shift has led to more efficient processes, enhanced accuracy in investigations, and improved overall effectiveness of the justice system. In an era where digital advancements are rapidly transforming various sectors, the criminal justice field is no exception. From forensic analysis to surveillance and data management to online education, technology plays a pivotal role in every aspect of criminal justice.

Climate Data Unleashed: Empowering Data Engineers to Drive Environmental Change

In an era where climate change poses a formidable challenge to our planet, the power of data has never been more critical. Data engineers, with their unique skill set, stand at the forefront of this battle, harnessing the vast expanse of climate data to drive sustainable change and inform crucial decision-making. This article aims to inspire and guide data engineers looking for their next meaningful project.

Building a comprehensive toolkit for machine learning

In the last couple of years, the AI landscape has evolved from a researched-focused practice to a discipline delivering production-grade projects that are transforming operations across industries. Enterprises are growing their AI budgets, and are open to investing both in infrastructure and talent to accelerate their initiatives – so it’s the ideal time to make sure that you have a comprehensive toolkit for machine learning (ML).

Advancing Cloud Monitoring: Benefits of Synthetic Monitoring

The cloud changed how businesses work, making things more flexible and adaptable. But keeping track of app performance from a user’s point of view in this new setup is tough. Legacy tools tend to not give developers an understanding of their users' perspective. That's where synthetic monitoring comes in. It's a strong way to focus on users and fix the problems that legacy tools miss.

Top tips: Four compelling use cases for AI in FinTech

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world today and list out ways to explore these trends. This week, we’re examining four use cases for AI in the ever-growing FinTech sector. The FinTech sector has transformed the discussion around the financial services industry from top to bottom.