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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

What is an API for? Let's find out all about it

So, when someone talks to you about APIs, do you still think it refers to Blas’ inseparable partner in Sesame Street? then you may have a little problem with technology. No one will ever mess with you again for this. But you must be careful. The explanation will be as educational and entertaining as those of the mythical Epi and Blas. Therefore, let’s answer this question: What is an api for?

Browser Automation: Using the Gmail API to Retrieve MFA Codes

In a separate article, we introduced the concept of performing synthetic transactions with LogicMonitor to ensure website services are up and running correctly. It may be necessary to authenticate with a website before you can fully monitor it, and authentication may require presenting an MFA code that has been delivered via email. Let’s take this a step further and incorporate an MFA (Multifactor Authentication) Challenge.

Tracking insider threats with AI

If you thought masked hackers in dark rooms spreading malware were your only security concern, think again. In its Insider Threat Report for 2018, Crowd Research Partners brought to light that almost 90 percent of organizations find themselves vulnerable to insider threats. What’s worse is that 50 percent of these organizations experienced an insider attack in 2018.

6 myths and facts about deep learning

Despite decades of development, deep learning has been boosted by the increasing processing power of computers and the immense amount of data available, which has allowed it to obtain some achievements that were unthinkable years ago. Deep learning is at the heart of what we know today as artificial intelligence. However, like everything that is talked about a lot, deep learning has formed a series of myths that do not always obey reality.

Apply for Sentry's Open Source Grant

Work should be fun. Sometimes it’s not, especially when your full-time job isn’t aligned with something you care about — like open source. Contributing to open source full-time is an opportunity not available to everyone. We’d like to change that with the Sentry Open Source Grant, which offers funding to an individual dedicated to working on an open source project for three months.