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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

The Complex But Elegant Relationship Between AIOps and Observability

Digital transformation requires organizational evolution. Constant demand for rapid delivery of upgrades and new products forces change. Surely, the old days of managing monolithic applications housed in private servers are over. Applications consist of virtualized, containerized, and serverless code that’s networked via APIs across a hybrid infrastructure of public and private clouds.

Benefits of Using Virtual Receptionist Services to Manage Your Business's Customers Efficiently

Research by HubSpot states that excellent customer service can drive approximately 93% of customers back to your business. At the same time, 90% of customers prefer to buy more from such a business. That's the reason that all businesses want to be at the top of their game when it comes to customer service. But with so many roles to fill and incoming calls, it can be hard to do everything you need and want to do. It is where virtual receptionist services come into action.

How To Maintain Excellent Performance Of Your Computer

Your computer is a valuable tool that you use every day. It helps you stay organized and efficient, and allows you to complete tasks quickly and easily. If your computer is running slowly or not performing as well as it used to, don't worry - we can help! This blog post will discuss how to maintain excellent performance of your computer. It will give you tips and tricks on how to keep your computer running like new! We will also share some common mistakes that people make when trying to improve performance. By following our tips, you can be sure that your computer will continue to perform at its best!

How to build machine learning models faster with Grafana

Armin Müller is the co-founder of ScopeSET. ScopeSET specializes in R&D work to build and integrate tools in the model-based systems engineering domain, with a track record of more than 15 years of delivering innovative solutions for ESA and the aerospace industry. Training machine learning models takes a lot of time, so we’re always looking for ways to accelerate the process at ScopeSET. We use open source components to build research and development tools for technical companies.

Load Testing: How Fast Can We Go?

Speedscale creates load tests from recorded traffic so generating load is pretty core to what we do. As a brief overview, we record traffic from your service in one environment and replay it in another, optionally increasing load several fold. During a replay the Speedscale load generator makes requests against the system under test (SUT), with the responses from external dependencies like APIs or a payment processor optionally mocked out for consistency. Your service is the SUT here.

OpenAPI testing with Schemathesis and Golang

When you maintain an internal or public-facing API, the API documentation is an important component of the overall user/developer experience. One of the industry standards for such documentation is the OpenAPI specification. With an OpenAPI specification, you define a contract that specifies how your API should behave, but nothing stops the parties involved from breaking such a contract (e.g., using a wrong implementation or invalid input).

IoT project lifecycle: App-centric software development [Part II]

The traditional embedded Linux development model ties applications to the OS. Such a constraint means apps have to target a specific release, which lowers development velocity. Furthermore, broken upgrades in one part of the device may affect refreshes in the rest of the OS. On the other hand, embedded developers are increasingly looking at open-source software to enable rapid app-centric software deployment and global collaboration.

An Open Source Observability Platform | SigNoz

Cloud computing and containerization have brought many benefits to IT systems, like speed to market and on-demand scaling. But it has also increased operational complexity. Applications built on dynamic and distributed infrastructure are challenging to operate and maintain. A robust observability framework can help application owners stay on top of their software systems. In this article, we will introduce SigNoz - an open source observability platform.

Open-source cloud for beginners with OpenStack

In the beginning, there was Amazon Web Services (AWS). And AWS set a standard for cloud computing. AWS was fast, flexible, convenient to use and geo-redundant. Definitely much better than legacy IT infrastructure or VMware. A lot of enterprises all over the world started migrating their business applications to AWS.