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Managing Compliance: Tips + Strategies for Breaking the Vicious Scan-Fix-Drift Cycle

Managing compliance can seem like a losing game. It seems like you'll never be ahead – like you'll always be fixing drift after it happens, only for your configurations to inevitably slip again. Managing compliance becomes a vicious cycle of scanning to hunt down drift, fixing it as best you can, and waiting for it to happen again.

Top 10 IT Automation Mistakes & How To Avoid Them Guide

Over the years, Kelverion has seen it all, from excessive employee-wide automated messaging to connecting systems with people. We’ve seen many automation projects fail to achieve their potential or even grind to a halt completely, and the reasons for these IT automation mistakes are shockingly common. With automation’s huge business benefits, committing some of these blunders has proved to be career limiting.

4 Ways Automation Can Help Airlines Prepare for a Smoother Winter 2023

How can anyone forget the photos and images of mounds of luggage sitting wherever they could find a spot at most major airports, back during the winter storm of 2022? And what about the thousands of stranded passengers in dismay during the holidays, with plans and gifts that literally couldn’t get off the ground?

What Does Automation Mean to the Workforce?

Over the past few years, automation has been growing at a fast rate. In fact, Gartner predicts that about 69% of all daily managerial tasks will be automated by 2024. However, as automation grows, there is an increasing concern about how this technology will impact the workforce. Some experts argue that automation will increase productivity and create new jobs. Others worry that this transformative technology will aggravate income inequality and displace workers. Regardless of how things will turn out, it's evident that the growth of automation will significantly impact the future of the workforce.

Automated Password Resets: The Effortless Way to Get Employees Back Online

The password reset just might be the most notorious high-volume, repetitive IT ticket ever. Who actually remembers passwords, anyway? Considering just about everything done online requires some sort of login with a unique username and password, remembering all those individual combinations of letters, numbers, and special characters isn’t easy! And so employees turn to IT for what can be nonstop help.

Fast Track Video Series: See a demonstration of BigPanda's Incident Intelligence and Automation Platform

BigPanda transforms millions of events into a small number of actionable alerts, no matter where they originate. How? Watch this video to learn more. The video shows how BigPanda allows you to normalize tag values across all tools, aiding event enrichment and correlation. The open integration manager then makes it easy to pre-process the event data helping to filter unwanted events from the feed. The filtering strips out duplicate and low-relevancy events and keeps them from cluttering up the console.

Proxy server benefits for social media automation

In the XXI century, many companies and business-minded people had to follow and adapt to the revolutionary changes in the world of marketing. The emergence and rapid growth of the internet have slowly and surely shifted the attention from newspapers, radio, TV, and other forms of traditional media.