Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Deploying AppDynamics Agents to OpenShift Using Init Containers

Ready to deploy an AppD application agent to OpenShift? These detailed examples show you how. There are several ways to instrument an application on OpenShift with an AppDynamics application agent. The most straightforward way is to embed the agent into the main application image.

Using Stackdriver Workspaces to help manage your hybrid and multicloud environment

At Google, we believe strongly in an open cloud. We’re continually working to bring you tools for understanding how your applications are performing, whether they run in different projects, organizations, clouds, or even on prem. Monitoring tools like Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring, OpenCensus, and Stackdriver APM are designed to help you get visibility into your workloads wherever they run—on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), on-premises or on another cloud platform.

Sentry + GitHub: Now with Support for GitHub Enterprise and Other New Features

Great news: we’ve updated the Sentry’s GitHub and GitHub Enterprise integrations! With the growing relationship between GitHub and Microsoft’s developer stack, Sentry will help users save time, squash bugs, and work more efficiently through the many different parts of the development workflow. The features you already use in our existing integration are still there, including resolve via commit or via pull request, issue tracking, and suggested assignee via commit.

Announcing Sysdig's $68.5M series D funding.

I am very excited to announce that we closed our $68.5M Series D financing round last month, bringing our total funding to $121.5M. We look forward to partnering with our new investors, Insight Venture Partners, who led this round alongside existing investors, Bain Capital Ventures, and Accel. Our mission is to enable enterprises to run reliable and secure containers and microservices.

Work from anywhere with Jira Cloud for mobile

Jira Software, historically, has been known as a desktop tool for software teams to plan, track, and release great products. Our team has been hard at work since we released our first version of Jira Cloud for iPhone to release features and functionality that make working across all mobile operating systems and desktop as seamless as possible for our users, allowing work to move forward from anywhere.

GDPR Compliance Auditing Tips

Now that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), drawn up by the European Union (EU), has finally come into effect, many of the affected organizations have been scrambling to keep up with the auditing and operational requirements of a compliance regime that’s widely recognized as one of the most stringent and comprehensive regulatory frameworks ever devised for protecting data privacy.

Auvik Use Case #2: Automatically Acquiring Network Inventory

To effectively support and manage a client’s network, you need to know what’s really on the network. Sure, a tour of the IT environment will help. You’ll be able to slowly document information about the devices you can see, like the make, model, and serial number. But what about the devices you can’t see—or that the client doesn’t know about?

The Market Lacked the Tool We Wanted. So We Built it Ourselves.

Hi! My name is Mattias Geniar and together with my partner Freek Van der Herten we founded Oh Dear!, a new tool focused on monitoring websites. We both got fed up with existing tools that didn't fit our needs precisely. Most came close, but there was always something — whether settings or design choices — that we just didn't like. Being engineers, the obvious next step was to just build it ourselves!

Pivotal Cloud Foundry: Two Tiles Are Better Than One

In an earlier blog in our series on monitoring applications deployed to the Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) platform, my colleague Jeff Holmes described how AppDynamics provides an intuitive and user-friendly dashboard for a single view of all your key performance indicators for system health and availability. This broke new ground and has been warmly welcomed by our many customers who rely on PCF to run their business applications.