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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Creating and downloading zip files with ASP.NET Core

For a recent feature, I had to download a batch of files from an internal website written in ASP.NET Core. Zipping the files before downloading them, turned out as a great way of easily implementing multi-file download. .NET offers all of the needed features and in this post, I'll show you how to implement it. To get started, I'll create a new ASP.NET Core website: I'm picking the MVC template, but none of the zip-related code is specific to MVC.

Fintech APM: Considerations, Benefits, and Tools

In the last few years, fintech enterprises have disrupted the financial services and banking industry by taking everything computing technology offers – from machine learning to blockchain – and turning it up a notch. Traditional financial institutions must now compete with challenger banks offering electronic payment alternatives, peer-to-peer lending, and investment apps.

3 Key Questions to Ask Before Getting Started with Kubernetes

If you need to deploy a lot of microservices at once and manage them at scale, Kubernetes is hard to beat. But Kubernetes also brings additional complexity that you just might not need. You would be smart to ask yourself these three questions before getting started with Kubernetes.

Complete Guide to Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry - Part II

In the previous article, we learned what distributed tracing is, why it is necessary, how to do tracing, encountered challenges with existing tracing tools, and finally discovered that there is a more mature option available for the industry to adopt in terms of telemetry and observability. In this article, we will be trying to understand OpenTelemetry in more depth. To begin, we will examine how OpenTelemetry addresses some of the issues confronting the observability ecosystem.

Using AIOps for automation and efficiency in observability and IT operations

Artificial intelligence for IT Operations (or AIOps) has been playing an expanding role in helping SREs, DevOps, and developers effectively navigate the challenges around application and infrastructure complexity, pace of change, and data volume that characterize the operations landscape.

The Great Debate of 2023: Single Vendor vs Best of Breed Solutions

The debate between single vendor solutions and best of breed approaches has been ongoing for decades in the technology industry. Engineers have always sought out options and choice, and this has led to a shift in the dominance of large vendors in each stage of technological development. As soon as IBM sold enterprises the mainframe solution, engineers started to look for other options.

A beginner's guide to Kubernetes application monitoring

Application performance monitoring (APM) involves a mix of tools and practices to track specific performance metrics. Engineers use APM to monitor and maintain the health of their applications and ensure a better user experience. This is crucial to high quality architecture, development, and operations, but it can be difficult to achieve in Kubernetes since the container orchestration system doesn’t provide an easy way to monitor application data like it does for other cluster components.

Rules backfilling via vmalert

Recording rules is a clever concept introduced by Prometheus for storing results of query expressions in a form of a new time series. It is similar to materialized view and helps to speed up queries by using data pre-computed in advance instead of doing all the hard work on query time. Like materialized views, recording rules are extremely useful when user knows exactly what needs to be pre-computed. For example, a complex panel on Grafana dashboard or SLO objective.