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Product Release

GitKraken Client v8.3: Now 2x Faster for Apple Silicon Users

What do Olympic speed skaters and developers have in common? They have a need…a need for speed. 😏 Nobody likes moving slow, no matter if you’re competing for the gold, or just trying to deploy an awesome new feature. The GitKraken team has been hard at work making sure all GitKraken Client users, especially macOS users, have the speediest experience possible when leveraging our legendary Git client to collaborate with teams.

Broadcom Software Launches Cloud-Based Log Analytics Service for Data-Driven Network Visibility

Human operators utilizing traditional network monitoring software with methods like SNMP, ping, or flow tracking are still limited to diagnosis and triage issues within the four walls of the on-premise data center. But with increased adoption of cloud, SD-WAN and “work from anywhere,” application workloads are getting more distributed and creating network monitoring visibility gaps.

Usual Performance Suspects: Introducing Suspect Spans

A trace is the end-to-end journey of one or more connected spans and a span is an operation or “work” taking place on a service. So when it comes to debugging a performance issue, being able to pick out slow spans out of a line up is the fastest way to seeing the root cause and knowing how to solve it. Suspect Spans surfaces a list of spans that correspond to where the most time in a transaction is spent.

Why you need Tigera's new active cloud-native application security

First-generation security solutions for cloud-native applications have been failing because they apply a legacy mindset where the focus is on vulnerability scanning instead of a holistic approach to threat detection, threat prevention, and remediation. Given that the attack surface of modern applications is much larger than in traditional apps, security teams are struggling to keep up and we’ve seen a spike in breaches.

Just Launched ValidKube. Here Are 7 Other K8s Open Source Projects We Love!

I am excited to share that we’ve just launched our first open source project called ValidKube. The idea behind Validkube is to fuse together the capabilities of three other popular open-source projects (kubeval, kubectl-neat and trivy by Aqua) and present them in a single view, providing users with a way to ensure YAML code hygiene and security, all at the same time and with just a few clicks of the button.

NEW: Splunk Synthetic Monitoring Adds Single Sign-On (SSO) and Security Improvements

Splunk customers are security conscious organizations demanding enterprise-grade features for their global workforce. Today, we are excited to announce several Splunk Synthetic Monitoring updates, including: support for Single Sign-On (SSO) via SAML 2.0, Concealed Global Variables, and an updated synthetic browser version (Chrome 97).

Releasing Icinga for Windows v1.8.0 - The Power of Rework

Today we are happy to announce that after month of work we finally can release Icinga for Windows v1.8.0. As discussed in our live Icinga for Windows Q&A on our YouTube-Channel, we spent lots of time resolving issues reported by our community and customers and in general improved the performance as well.

New release: SquaredUp 5.4 - Bring your answers to the surface

SquaredUp 5.4 is here and it’s got some brilliant new features and upgrades to help you troubleshoot and find answers faster than ever. You’ll find the upgrades across all three SquaredUp editions – for SCOM, Azure, and the free Community Edition. Here are the highlights in the new release: Check out our release webinar for a detailed walkthrough and demo.