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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

NiCE OracleMP 4 0 Release WhatsNew

This live demo session is focused on illustrating how you can use the new NiCE Oracle Management Pack 4.0 4 to effectively monitor your Oracle DBs in SCOM. You will leave the session with a clear understanding of how the solution can help you in your own environment and pick up tips & tricks that you may not already know.

Site24x7 : Reduce Calls to Helpdesk using Site24x7 Status Page

Site24x7 offers unified cloud monitoring for DevOps and IT operations. Monitor the experience of real users accessing websites and applications from desktop and mobile devices. In-depth monitoring capabilities enable DevOps teams to monitor and troubleshoot applications, servers and network infrastructures, including private and public clouds. End-user experience monitoring is done from 50+ locations across the world and various wireless carriers.

Using Træfik for internal tools at Bleemeo

At Bleemeo, as many geeks, we use a couple of tools on a day to day basis. Most of those tools are small Open Source web applications and, to be trendy, we deploy those tools with Docker. In the past, we used to create a virtual machine per service, deploy the tool and configure web server on each machine. Moreover if you are using https, you need to deploy certificates and private keys on each server.

Free Amazon Web Services (AWS) Infrastructure Designer Tool.

Design Amazon Web Services Infrastructure Diagrams For Free. Site24x7's Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure designer tool is a free, online design platform that helps you create and depict your Amazon Web Services architecture. Effortlessly create simple or complex cloud architecture diagrams in a matter of minutes, without even signing up. The Site24x7 AWS infrastructure designer tool has two views: the resource view on the left, and the canvas view in the center, where the action happens.