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10x development speed with local serverless debugging

Serverless is great but a lot of it is in the cloud and in all these different services. Oftentimes we hear serverless developers struggle with debugging serverless locally in order to iterate fast. Without an effective debugging setup, they are left frustrated with slowed development cycle time and decreased operational efficiency. In this 45-minute hands-on webinar, we'll be discussing how to debug serverless locally to really speed up your development cycle.

Cloud 66 Feature Highlight: Archived Application

Archived Applications allows developers to "park" an application at any time. Archiving an application saves the configuration and state of your deployment, turns your servers off, and puts your application into a dormant state. Once your application is archived, you will not be able to open, edit or access it until you restore it. Servers used by this application will be turned off (deactivated) but not deleted. Please do not delete these servers, or you will not be able to restore your application. Note that you don't pay Cloud 66 for applications that are archived.

Bits of Security, Snyk.io: Stranger Danger: Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before They Find You!

Open source modules on the NPM ecosystem are undoubtedly awesome. However, they also represent an undeniable and massive risk, since you’re introducing someone else’s code into your system, often with little or no scrutiny. The wrong package can introduce critical vulnerabilities into your application, exposing your application and your user's data. This talk will use a sample application, Goof, which uses various vulnerable dependencies, which we will exploit as an attacker would. For each issue, we'll explain why it happened, show its impact, and—most importantly—learn how to avoid or fix it.

Bits of Security, PedidosYa: Fraud Detection using Datadog and Sherlock

From day one, most organizations,especially the big ones, are targeted with a broad range of attacks. These range from information exfiltration attempts to fraud. Although a great majority of them can be addressed with the help of a Web Application Firewall, there are some that require more extensive tooling. Join me as I show you how we use Sherlock and Datadog to block 30,000+ fraudulent users per week in seconds. We will also discuss other applications and how you can implement similar solutions.

Multi-instance GPU (MIG) with MicroK8s on NVIDIA A100 GPU

Although Kubernetes revolutionised the software life cycle, its steep learning curve still discourages many users from adopting it. MicroK8s is a production-grade, low-touch Kubernetes that abstracts the complexity and can address use cases from workstations to clouds to the edge. We’ll highlight the details of MicroK8s’ simplicity and robustness and demonstrate the different usage scenarios, running it on NVIDIA DGX, EGX, DPU and Jetson hardware using real applications from NVIDIA marketplace.

Kubernetes Master Class - How to Update Monitoring After Upgrading to Rancher 2.5

Rancher 2.5 introduces a new, improved monitoring integration. It is still based on Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager, but much more flexible regarding configuration options and customizations. It also directly ships with much improved dashboards and alerting rules. Unfortunately, due to the necessary internal changes, there is no automatic upgrade path available from the old to the new monitoring. While you can continue to use the old monitoring with 2.5, there are some manual migration steps necessary to get all the benefits from the new monitoring system and keep all the configurations and customizations from the old one.

The More You Monitor - What is AIOps?

You might know AIOps as just another buzzword that been getting thrown around almost as much as 'cloud' and 'digital transformation', but do you really know what AIOps is and how it uses AI and machine learning to unlock a whole new realm of possibilities and efficiencies? In this episode of The More You Monitor Lead Sales Engineer, Donde Aponte, walks you through what AIOps and Observability truly means and how this new approach to IT operations can save IT and DevOps teams tons of time and stress by dramatically shortening MTTR and reducing the number outages and slowdowns.

Cloud Strategy in the Data Age | Splunk's Andy Hershey and Evan Kirstel

In 2020, Coronavirus forced many companies to rapidly pivot to cloud-based solutions and remote work. Splunk’s Andy Hershey GVP, Cloud Sales & GTM Transformation, and B2B tech influencer and evangelist, Evan Kirstel, sit down to discuss how companies can optimize their cloud strategies in the Data Age. The pair discuss the challenges of the cloud journey, data-driven solutions, security concerns, and how leaders can effectively succeed in this new digital world.