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Java 12: New Features and Enhancements Developers Should Know

Oracle will soon roll out Java 12 in March 2019 and new releases will drop once every six months thereafter. The goal is to make new releases more frequent for the Java ecosystem, with certain releases earmarked as long-term support (LTS). And by support, we mean the allocation of update releases for bug fixes and critical security patches. This latest version offers a list of new features such as Switch Expressions, Default CDS Archives, Shenandoah, Microbenchmark Suite, among others.

K8S is the Kernel

One of my former teammates approached me the other day (and by other day i mean like 3 months ago) and asked ‘Am I thinking about this right? Kubernetes is actually akin to the Linux Kernel. So Rancher and OpenShift are distributions of Kubernetes. And for a supported enterprise application I’m more likely to use a more enterprise focused distribution than a DIY distribution, yeah?’ To which I responded ‘Yep, you hit the nail on the head’.

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Serverless error monitoring: Strategies you can use

If you're thinking of running a serverless setup, congratulations! But...that means you're running a distributed system. With all the benefits and simplicities that come with going serverless comes this tradeoff: You potentially also have some increases in complexity. Distributed systems are, by their nature, complex. With partitions, you're communicating over a network that's potentially unreliable and can't be trusted. Which means that monitoring your application errors is going to be especially important.

The First Annual StatusGator Status Page Awards

StatusGator monitors 411 different status pages, amassing a mountain of data about each. From when they are down and for how long, to what they post, to which pages people monitor the most and everything in between. Using that data, we are proud to present the first of an annual reflection on the past year. The First Annual StatusGator Status Page Awards seeks to applaud (and perhaps gently shame) a number of cloud services that stood out to us among our massive trove of status page data.

The what, why, and how of unified endpoint management

IT management has become a department that exists in every business ecosystem, irrespective of verticals. Those who are responsible for taking care of IT management need to work around the clock to secure and maintain servers, computers, smartphones, tablets, iPads, IoT devices, virtual machines, and more. The technician alone is like a modern puppeteer controlling and manipulating all these devices from one, central location in a unified way.

Best Practices for Hybrid Cloud Management

One of the unintended side-effects of the public cloud is the enablement of a platform-agnostic cloud architecture. This means that it’s now easier than ever to mix offerings from multiple vendors (cloud vendors in this case) to form a single application or service-based solution. There is one gotcha, however: log management.

Considerations When Designing Distributed Systems

Today’s applications are marvels of distributed systems development. Each function or service that makes up an application may be executing on a different system, based upon a different system architecture, that is housed in a different geographical location, and written in a different computer language.

How to Migrate from Hipchat to Mattermost

In July 2018, privacy-conscious organizations found out that Hipchat would be decommissioned in 2019. Since many of these companies operate in highly regulated environments, they are unable to use popular SaaS messaging products that host sensitive data on third-party servers. With Hipchat rapidly reaching its end-of-life, these organizations are looking for a secure and modern messaging platform that can be hosted on-premises in their own data centers, behind a firewall.