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A Detailed Guide to PHP Debugging

If you use PHP or you find yourself “adopting” a PHP app (like I did a few years ago), you must know how to debug PHP. In this detailed guide to PHP debugging, you’ll see some debugging techniques that apply to almost any programming language. But don’t worry. I’ll get into the specifics that apply to PHP, from the basics all the way to fully integrated debugging techniques. Let’s start with a basic technique in PHP debugging: outputting and logging values.

What Are the Benefits of Monitoring Event Logs?

If you maintain a regular practice of keeping log data, you probably have an established way of observing event logs in real time or you do it by using batch processing. There are two ways you can monitor event logs: manually and automatically. By monitoring event logs, you can gain deeper insight into system metrics, localize process bottlenecks, and detect security vulnerabilities. What are some other advantages of event log monitoring, and how can you get the most out of it?

Log Timeline: It's About Time

Many of our customers want a simple way to see how often an event happens. In the past, LogDNA’s graphing capabilities helped to fulfill this need, but it took you away from your current log context and often forced you to recall a specific query in order to reflect the correct graph. When you are troubleshooting with constantly changing queries, it can be cumbersome to do this. We are excited to announce Timeline, now available alongside your logs in the log viewer.

Announcing Cloud Data Encryption for Opsgenie

Opsgenie Edge Encryption is a new feature that makes it easy to secure sensitive data and meet compliance requirements while using Opsgenie for alerting and incident management. Edge Encryption secures data before it leaves your environment, you manage the encryption keys, and the experience is seamless for users. Atlassian has no access to the encrypted data and neither do potential attackers.

OpManager 12.3 receives IT Pro Recommended Award

The latest build for OpManager 12.3 has been gaining some recognition from industry analysts. Recently, a UK-based business insights and analytics company, IT Pro, wrote a positive review of OpManager. IT Pro highlighted all of OpManager’s latest enhancements and features. OpManager also received an IT Pro Recommended Award, and we are elated.

Cybersecurity Best Practices: Protect Your Team from Phishing Attacks

Phishing happens. It is probably happening as you read this. Right now, some well-defended company is having data under its care exposed. This data may contain sensitive information, such as login credentials, and in many cases, it is only known that an attack of this type has taken place after the fact. Protecting yourself and your employer against phishing attacks relies foremost on critical thinking; however, there are some business processes and technologies that can help.

Using nginx and Sentry to Trace Errors to Logs

To quote the timeless Ren and Stimpy jingle, “everyone needs a log.” It’s true — everyone does need a log, especially developers. Despite the fact that no developer looks forward to combing through logs, they’re incredibly useful when unexpected performance issues, like one we recently had with file uploads, need some investigation.

What Is Etcd and How Do You Set Up an Etcd Cluster?

Etcd is an open-source distributed key-value store created by the CoreOS team, now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It is pronounced “et-cee-dee”, making reference to distributing the Unix “/etc” directory, where most global configuration files live, across multiple machines. It serves as the backbone of many distributed systems, providing a reliable way for storing data across a cluster of servers.