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Tags: A smarter way to organize and manage monitors

Being organized is a critical aspect of IT infrastructure monitoring and management. Our Monitor Groups and Subgroups feature gave you the flexibility to group resources by a business application. With our recent launch of tags in Site24x7, you'll now be able to organize your resources by technology and other segments. So let's dive in and learn a bit more about tags, its features, and some basic tagging strategies.

PagerDuty Launches Industry-First Offering Focusing on People and Services Health Management in an Always-On Digital World

SAN FRANCISCO – FEBRUARY 7, 2018 – PagerDuty, the global leader in Digital Operations Management, today announced Operations Health Management Service (OHMS), a new analytics-driven managed service focused on empowering organizations to measurably improve their operations by prioritizing the health of their employees.

Back to Basics: Working with Linux Audit Daemon Log File

If you run the audit daemon on your Linux distribution you might notice that some of the most valuable information produced by auditd is not transmitted when you enable syslog forwarding to Graylog. By default, these messages are written to /var/log/audt/audit.log, which is written to file by the auditd process directly and not sent via syslog.

Monitive Mission Statement: "Why am I doing what I do?"

And no, it’s not summoning a few Venture Capital rounds of funding to pour them into a business, nor wasting my life on vacations or my money on gadgets. “What makes us happy?” I have to admit I’ve pursued this goal for a large part of my life. I know that some form of success is linked to happiness, and I know that success is not that esoteric feature that only the gifted among us get to possess. Success, just like happiness, is something we all have.

Automation for the AWS platform - gain monitoring insight and automatically execute actions

As you probably know, Site24x7's AWS monitoring capabilities provide complete visibility into resource utilization and performance for key compute resources, storage, and database services powering your application in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. From here on out, you'll have the power to not only identify issues that might affect application performance, but also automatically invoke operational tasks across multiple AWS resources to resolve them quickly.

Copying RDS Snapshots Between Regions

In our previous posts, I showed you how to copy your DB and Aurora snapshots to ensure they are preserved beyond the lifetime of your RDS instance. However, those copies were simply second copies in the same region as the original. In this post, I’ll show you how to copy your RDS snapshots to a second region for extra protection. Please note that I will restrict this post to unencrypted snapshots. Copying encrypted snapshots is more involved, so I’ll show that in a separate post.