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The Value of Threat Intelligence Automation

The news is full of stories about the talent shortage in IT, especially in IT security. This shortage has created pressure on organizations to grow IT operations and to do that securely, all while having too few staff. Many are turning to threat intelligence to give their security analysts the tools they need to evaluate threats quickly and effectively. Essentially offering “Intelligence as a Service,” these tools enable organizations to benefit from the research of others.

Bitbucket, uninterrupted: app diagnostics and better workflows in Bitbucket Server 5.9

Bitbucket Server is the convergence of individual work and team collaboration. Administrators ensure the git server availability, enabling developers to complete deployment cycles. Those teams operate independently but share common goals like, automating and simplifying repetitive tasks.

Alert Alert! The Firebase Realtime Database now supports Google Stackdriver Alerts!

Dashboards are great, but what if you're not checking them? Wouldn't it be great to know when you have a huge spike in traffic, or if you're about to hit your concurrent connections limit for a single database? Don't worry, Google Stackdriver Alerts have you covered!