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We're Joining The Snowflake Partner Network - Bringing Cloud Cost Intelligence

Early on in our journey as a company, CloudZero split with legacy data architecture, migrating to Snowflake and opening up a world of resource flexibility. With the centralized, limitless processing power that Snowflake provided, our team could focus more energy on value-added work, less on managing inefficiencies. With a rapidly expanding customer base, Snowflake allowed us to maintain peak velocity, scaling without running into storage-based slowdowns.

SRE: From Theory to Practice | What's difficult about incident command

A few weeks ago we released episode two of our ongoing webinar series, SRE: From Theory to Practice. In this series, we break down a challenge facing SREs through an open and honest discussion. Our topic this episode was “what’s difficult about incident command?” When things go wrong, who is in charge? And what does it feel like to do that role?

A Layman's Guide To HTTP/2

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is the backbone of the World Wide Web. HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP protocol, which offers a performance improvement over its prototype. The new protocol has been in development for a long time, with the first draft published in 2012 and it was finalized in 2015. In recent times, HTTP is the obligation that boards almost all of the networks.

Round-Trip Time (RTT) - An Overview

A notable tool that renders the fortune of a web is Round Trip Time, which is also known as Round Delay Time. The time taken for a network request for a data packet and the flourishing of that data is the round trip time. The duration of RTT is calculated in milliseconds. RTT can be diagnosed and prompted by pinging a specific address. The time takes for an internet request to hit a destination and to lapse back to the primary resource.

From Baud to Awed: The History of the Modem

From 300 baud to multiple gigabits per second, it’s time to celebrate the history of the modem. It occurs to me that we will soon be entering a period where no one will remember the ear-shredding screech of a dial-up modem connecting their computers to the internet—all the while hoping no one picks up the phone and wrecks it. The humble modem is, at least as a device sitting on your desk alongside your computer, largely consigned to history—and more than a few recycling centers.

ServiceNow deepens commitment to hybrid work with new wayfinding technology

Companies shifting to permanent hybrid work environments are up against major challenges, including additional investment in new physical experiences for employees. This is complex and expensive. It involves bringing together systems, technology, and teams that have historically been siloed. But with every challenge comes an incredible opportunity to make work better.

Scaling Grafana Mimir to 500 million active series on customer infrastructure with Grafana Enterprise Metrics

At Grafana Labs, we’ve seen an increasing number of customers who are scraping hundreds of millions of active time series but need a solution to reliably store and query such a huge amount of data. So in March, we announced our new open source TSDB, Grafana Mimir, the most scalable, most performant open source time series database in the world.

How Downtime Can Affect Morale, And What You Can Do About It

Does the worst case scenario for your company include alert fatigue from false alarms? Maybe it should. No one likes a false positive when it comes to infrastructure monitoring, and false flags are especially irritating because you have to respond to a problem that doesn’t actually exist. Just how bad are false positives? Let’s break down what these annoying little mistakes add up to for your team. You might be surprised to learn just how much they are hurting your DevOps pipeline.

Introducing our brand new (and free!) Calico Azure Course

Calico Open Source is an industry standard for container security and networking that offers high-performance cloud-native scalability and supports Kubernetes workloads, non-Kubernetes workloads, and legacy workloads. Created and maintained by Tigera, Calico Open Source offers a wide range of support for your choice of data plane whether it’s Windows, eBPF, Linux, or VPP. We’re excited to announce our new certification course for Azure, Certified Calico Operator: Azure Expert!

Best Agile Certifications for IT Professionals in 2022

Making time and resources available for learning, development, and certifications are some of the most important ways to help improve employee engagement within IT organizations. In addition to helping you attract and retain talent, team members with specific certifications bring technical knowledge and skills to your operation that can vastly improve efficiency and aid in your overall operations.