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How I installed Grafana Mimir on my homelab cluster

When I started at Grafana in January, I was accustomed to working with private clouds and on-prem infrastructure, so nearly everything in my role here as a senior software engineer for the Grafana Mimir customer squad was new to me. I was new to Golang, Docker, Kubernetes, gRPC, public cloud services, etc. Kubernetes has been especially challenging. In my work on Grafana Mimir and Grafana Enterprise Metrics, I experience k8s in one of two extremes.

What's new in Calico Enterprise 3.14: WAF, Calico CNI on AKS, and support for RKE2

At Tigera, we strive to innovate at every opportunity thrown at us and deliver what you need! We have listened to what users ask and today we are excited to announce the early preview of Calico Enterprise 3.14. From new capabilities to product supportability and extending partnerships with our trusted partners, let’s take a look at some of the new features in this release.

How Companies Are Using InfluxDB and Kafka in Production

Hulu, the entertainment streaming platform, needed a solution to scale up its internal application and infrastructure monitoring platform as it grew beyond 1 million metrics per second. The solution it created combines two open source tools— InfluxDB, a time series database, and Kafka, an event-streaming platform. It’s not just global enterprises like Hulu that have access to world-class tools and infrastructure to achieve their business goals.

Business Application Monitoring: Why Your Company Needs APM

Imagine this scenario. Your company has been laboring for months on an application and is finally releasing it. Your team has worked out all the potential issues and has created an all-encompassing project, but something is not right. There is an issue, and your team is getting some much-needed R&R. You come the next day and see a ton of irate emails. You have to go back to the drawing boards to figure out what went wrong before you release a fix. What I explained was a nightmare.

Kubernetes Security 101 For Developers - More Than Locking You Out Of Kubectl

Security can certainly be a broad brush topic. As a software engineer, you design and build to the best of your ability. In delivery methodologies of years gone by, sometimes security can be viewed as an afterthought e.g running security testing last before deploying. Today with the DevSecOps movement, one more set of concerns moves left towards the developer which is now security.

The Kubernetes Autoscaler Charm

Managing a Kubernetes cluster is a complex endeavor. As demands on a cluster grow, increasing the number of deployed pods can help ease the load on the system. But what do you do when you run out of nodes to host those pods, or when the load decreases and some nodes are no longer needed? Manually adding or removing nodes is possible, but wouldn’t it be better if there was a way to automate that task? Fortunately, that’s exactly what the Kubernetes Autoscaler charm is for!

Puppet and Government: DevSecOps in government environments

This blog is the second in a four-part series about how Puppet can help government agencies meet compliance and security requirements. Read the first post here. Zero Trust is a strategy created to combat system intrusions through a “never trust, always verify” model. DevSecOps is a collaborative software development strategy that integrates development, security, and operations practices into a continuously evolving lifecycle.

Simplify DigitalOcean Application and Infrastructure Monitoring

Since early 2021, DigitalOcean and SolarWinds® Papertrail™ have worked together to improve the ease and efficiency of log management for infrastructure running on the DigitalOcean platform. The most exciting new development of this partnership is the availability of the Papertrail software as a service (SaaS) Add On in the DigitalOcean Marketplace.