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The latest News and Information on Application Performance Monitoring and related technologies.

Introduction to Site Reliability Engineering

In this session, we start with the basics of SRE, including some common terminology and theory, then dive into practical examples—including lessons learned from our own journey here at Datadog. We discuss the relationship between SRE and DevOps, what success looks like (and how to measure it), and how to identify and nurture both internal and external talent in order to build a cross-functional team. SRE is a large, complex topic, so the session ends with a live Q&A and deep-dive into some great topics.

How to Create a Graph Using Tags and Time Aggregation | Datadog Tips & Tricks

In this video, you’ll learn how to use tag-based grouping and time aggregation (with the rollup function) to create actionable time-series graphs. Datadog offers various ways to manipulate your metric graphs so that you can create graphs that are specific and actionable for all of your use cases. Two methods of doing this—as explored in this video—are tag-based grouping and time aggregation.

How To Monitor Containers in Real-Time with Datadog Live Containers | Datadog Tips & Tricks

In this video, you’ll learn how to utilize Datadog’s Live Container View to monitor and troubleshoot container performance underlying your applications. Datadog makes it easy to monitor ephemeral, containerized infrastructure. In this video you’ll learn how to leverage Datadog’s Live Container View to effectively dive into your container health. Using this view, you can sort and group your containers by tags or labels imported from Kubernetes, such as container name.

Citrix Analytics for Performance - Where does it fit in relation to Citrix Performance Monitoring and Management?

I recently published an article on Citrix Performance Analytics (also called Citrix Analytics for Performance), part of the Citrix Analytics service in Citrix Cloud. In this article, i will analyze where Citrix Performance Analytics fits in relative to other Citrix performance monitoring and management tools in the market.

Synthetic Monitoring vs. APM Stack Trace Tools

The complexity of an application’s digital architecture is increasing dramatically every day. In an era of cloud infrastructure, the goal is to integrate all your web services into one place: CDN, DNS, third-party API services, QA tools, analytics tools, and any other component you can think of, are working with each other to make your services function. With so many components in place for an application to run, each one of these behaves like its own black box within your IT infrastructure.

How to easily correlate logs and APM traces for better observability

Application performance monitoring (APM) and logging both provide critical insight into your ecosystem. When paired together with context, they can provide vital clues on how to resolve problems with your applications. As the log data you analyze becomes more complex, navigating to the relevant pieces can be tricky using traditional tools. With Elastic Observability (powered by the Elastic Stack), correlating logs with APM is as simple as a few clicks in Kibana.