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How Are Tech Advancements Positively Affecting Companies Market Agility

There's no question that technology has had a profound impact on the way companies do business. With advancements in cloud computing, mobile technology, and big data analytics, businesses can become more agile than ever before. This allows them to react quickly to changes in the market and capitalize on new opportunities. This blog post will explore how these tech advancements are helping companies become more agile and successful in today's competitive landscape.

Getting Started with C++ and InfluxDB

While relational database management systems (RDBMS) are efficient with storing tables, columns, and primary keys in a spreadsheet architecture, they become inefficient when there’s a lot of data input received over a long period of time. Databases designed specifically to store time series data are known as time series databases (TSDB). For example, an RDBMS might look like this.

Your Clients Financial Real-Time Data: Five Factors to Keep in Mind

Real-time data is where information is collected, immediately processed, and then delivered to users to make informed decisions at the moment. Health and fitness wearables such as Fitbits are a prime example of monitoring stats such as heart rate and the number of steps in real-time. These numbers enable both users and health professionals to identify any results, existing or potential risks, without delay.

InfluxData Launches InfluxDB University

Live and on-demand trainings simplify application building for faster Time to Awesome™ SAN FRANCISCO – March 9, 2022 – InfluxData, creator of the leading time series platform InfluxDB, today announced the launch of InfluxDB University (InfluxDB U), an online education platform for customers and developers working with time series data.

Class is in Session - Announcing InfluxDB University

At InfluxData, it’s no surprise that we are passionate about time series data. Our team is committed to helping our community understand its capabilities and sharing easier and more efficient ways of working with InfluxDB, Telegraf and Flux. Our end goal is always to deliver faster Time to Awesome™ for our users. To this end, we’re excited to announce the launch of InfluxDB University.

How to monitor your Apache Spark cluster with Grafana Cloud

Here at Grafana Labs, when we’re building integrations for Grafana Cloud, we’re often thinking about how to help users get started on their observability journey. We like to focus some of our attention on the different technologies you might come across along the way. That way, we can share our tips on the best ways to interact with them while you’re using Grafana Labs products.

Anodot Webinar: Best Practices for Building a Stable Data Pipeline in Telecom

As telcos make key strategic pivots this year in the areas of fixed broadband, 5G, and virtualization/ cloudification of the network, a common unifying initiative is the automation of the network. There are many competing definitions and visions of how we can understand this, but the fundamental, immutable fact is that automation depends on good quality real-time data. Stable, reliable, and cost-effective data pipelines are now an absolute prerequisite for real-time automation tasks like anomaly detection, forecasting, recommendation, remediation, etc.

Better search can help government serve people when they need it most

As citizens, we interact with the government at various points in our lives. Many interactions serve as important rites of passage like obtaining a marriage or business license, claiming a new dependent on a tax return, or filing for retirement benefits. Other interactions serve as a safety net like obtaining financial assistance after a disaster or reporting a scam attempt. No matter the reason for transacting with the government, citizens want the interaction to be as frictionless as possible.