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InfluxDB as an IoT Edge Historian: A Crawl/Walk/Run Approach

The question of how to get data into a database is one of the most fundamental aspects of data processing that developers face. Data collection can be challenging enough when you’re dealing with local devices. Adding data from edge devices presents a whole new set of challenges. Yet the exponential increase in IoT edge devices means that companies need proven and reliable ways to collect data from them.

How to Integrate The Things Stack with InfluxDB Cloud in Minutes

In this demo, Samantha Wang shows how incredibly easy it is to integrate The Things Stack with InfluxDB Cloud, the managed time series platform. All you have to do is use the Things Network InfluxDB Template to ingest your Things data and view monitoring dashboards. From there you’ll be able to perform analytics and set up alerts & notifications. Watch to see how you can do it all in minutes.

My data killed my cloud project!

As we push more data to the cloud, avoidable mistakes are hampering migration. The biggest culprit: messy data with inadequate security and integration.Data transfers seem to be the easiest part of cloud migration. After all, migrating applications is the biggest pain in the neck. Data replication and migration should be simple, something that’s done during the last step of the application and data migration process. Right?

Tutorial: How to Connect Jupyter Notebooks to Ocean for Apache Spark

Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment for creating notebook documents. It supports programming languages – such as Python, Scala, R – and is largely used for data engineering, data analysis, machine learning, and further interactive, exploratory computing. Think of notebooks like a developer console or terminal, but with an intuitive UI that allows for efficient iteration, debugging or exploration.

How Big Data Is Helping Advertisers Solve Problems

Big data is transforming the relationship between companies and customers. Analyzing large amounts of data for marketing purposes is not new, but recent advancements in big data technology have given advertisers powerful new ways of understanding consumers’ behaviors, needs and preferences. Big data helps you optimize each customer’s demands and convert them into prospective purchasers.