Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Using search effectively in taxonomies and correctly modeling your domain in Elasticsearch

Finding matches when using a taxonomy is a common problem. A notable challenge is mapping a user’s query to the entity (or results) expected when searching for an entity inside a catalog mapping. Functional textual search models tend to rely on exact match or partial match, but both can lead to a frustrating experience when users aren’t familiar with the domain. Basic models often fail to support user typos, synonyms, acronyms, and/or hyponyms/hypernyms. Learn how to tackle these challenges and make search more intuitive when using a taxonomy.

Making Kubernetes Dev-Friendly with Komodor & Okteto

Kubernetes has become the software world’s infrastructure, leading to significant changes in application architecture and packaging. Despite the introduction of new technologies and practices, they have not kept pace with the rapid growth of the K8s ecosystem. As a result, developers who once solely focused on coding are now spending hours on operations, leading to a longer feedback loop during development. They’re expected to have an understanding of Kubernetes in order to do their jobs, causing a significant drop in productivity and leading to a poor dev experience.

Best Practices for Effective Monitoring and Observability - Civo.com

In the first talk, "You're doing Observability wrong, breaking down the 3 pillars of observability," Matt Gibiec, Sr. Solutions Engineer at Dynatrace, will discuss the common misconceptions around observability and the importance of going beyond metrics, traces, and logs. He will break down the three pillars of observability and provide actionable insights into what is required to truly achieve observability in your systems.

The 7 IT Automations for Highly Effective Organizations: Resource Provisioning

There is no doubt that automation done right and applied to the right use cases can be a game changer. It can bring in efficiencies, streamline IT processes, and allow for greater visibility and governance. In this LinkedIn live, The 7 IT Automations for Highly Effective Organizations - Resource Provisioning, we explore one real world use case with our own internal subject matter experts (SMEs). Whether you are in IT operations, a network professional, or in the ITSM arm of your organization, learn how you can automate with Resolve.

Containerization 102 Security Optimization and Speed

We continue our series on containerization in this session, diving a bit deeper to discuss the key areas to ensure container optimization and speed, such as: What are the security ramifications of containers? How have platforms enabled the rise of containers and microservices? What challenges have been introduced by containers and platforms? What are some of the enhancements to networking, and why this improves the speed of delivery

Building a Distributed Security Team With Cjapi's James Curtis

Join Cribl's Ed Bailey and Cjapi's James Curtis as they discuss the challenges of building a distributed global security team. Talent is hard to find and companies are hiring all over the world to build the best teams possible, but this trend has a price. Traditional management processes do not work, from building culture to the basics around assigning, tracking and measuring work. Team leads and managers rarely have the experience and training to handle remote teams which can impact team effectiveness and thus weaken the enterprise security posture.