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Java vs Python: Code examples and comparison

As two of the most popular and practical languages out there, should you choose Java or Python for your next project? Is one of these languages a clear-cut better option? The answer is a long one. According to GitHub’s annual Octoverse report, Python has now climbed to the second most popular language in usage, pushing Java down to third place.

Tracing with InfluxDB IOx

Tracing has always been a key use case for time series data. But admittedly, it’s also one that past versions of InfluxDB could not handle as well as we wanted. One of the roadblocks was the cardinality issue. Tracing data is, almost by definition, high cardinality data and prior to InfluxDB IOx, high cardinality data could affect query performance.

What is the Real ROI of an ITIM Tool?

It may seem a bit strange, but recently I’ve been asked about Return on Investment (ROI) calculators a fair amount. Generally the discussion is if a given vendor should (or should not) have an ROI calculator on their website. Some reasons for justifying an ROI calculator include making it easier for potential clients to understand the value they will receive from a solution and the basic cost involved.

How to Help Teams Create Optimal Infrastructure for Availability

Teams are locked into a cycle of suffering characterized by the feeling that they are sprinting just to stay still. This morale and productivity-destroying state is caused by an inability to find time to save time. Our new research, The State of Availability Report 2022, discovered that teams know what they want to do—harness cloud and DevOps practices and tools to advance digital transformation—but something’s getting in the way.

Enabling digital transformation - and data modernization - with DevOps

I don’t need to highlight the impact of the last few years on the world and its businesses. Companies that once completely dismissed the idea of remote working now embrace online offices, with many now operating fully remotely. Externally, the marketplace is shifting too, and opportunities for creating and realizing value can be found in new, less familiar places.

Kubernetes Health-Check: The Most Critical Health Conditions To Monitor

Kubernetes can generate so many types of new metrics (millions every day) that one of the most complex aspects of monitoring your cluster’s health is filtering through these metrics to decide which ones are important to pay attention to. In fact, in a survey that Circonus conducted of Kubernetes operators, uncertainties around which metrics to collect was one of the top challenges to monitoring that operators face.

Search Observability Data In-Place: Store Where You Want, Query When You Want

When we created Cribl Search, we wanted to give systems administrators the ability to query data without having to spend resources on collection and processing first — but we didn’t stop there. With Search, we’re also making it possible to query all the data you’ve already collected, processed, and kept in places like object stores, file systems, analytics tools, S3 buckets, or other data stores.

TraceQL: a first-of-its-kind query language to accelerate trace analysis in Tempo 2.0

The much-anticipated release of Grafana Tempo 2.0, which we previewed at ObservabilityCON 2022, will represent a huge step forward for the distributed tracing backend. Among the biggest highlights will be TraceQL, a first-of-its-kind query language that makes it easier than ever to find the exact trace you’re looking for. There’s supposed to be a video here, but for some reason there isn’t. Either we entered the id wrong (oops!), or Vimeo is down.