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Increasing Implications: Adding Security Analysis to Kubernetes 360 Platform

A quick look at headlines emanating from this year’s sold out KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe underlines the fact that Kubernetes security has risen to the fore among practitioners and vendors alike. As is typically the case with our favorite technologies, we’ve reached that point where people are determined to ensure security measures aren’t “tacked on after the fact” as related to the wildly-popular container orchestration system.

Elastic Common Schema and OpenTelemetry - A path to better observability and security with no vendor lock-in

At KubeCon Europe, it was announced that Elastic Common Schema (ECS) has been accepted by OpenTelemetry (OTel) as a contribution to the project. The goal is to achieve convergence of ECS and OpenTelemetry’s Semantic Conventions (SemConv) into a single open schema that is maintained by OpenTelemetry. This FAQ details Elastic’s contribution of Elastic Common Schema to OpenTelemetry, how it will help drive the industry to a common schema, and its impact on observability and security.

VMware Application Catalog Now Comes with Enterprise Support for Kubeapps

VMware Application Catalog now offers enterprise support for Kubeapps, allowing customers to consume production-ready open source artifacts easily and efficiently! The ever-increasing adoption of open source software (OSS) by enterprises has led to a disconnect of sorts between the platform engineering and development teams.

How to Successfully Implement an Environment as a Service (EaaS) Solution in Your Software Development Workflow

In today's fast-paced and competitive software development landscape, the ability to quickly and efficiently manage development environments is critical to success. This is where Environment as a Service (EaaS) comes in. EaaS is a cloud-based solution that lets developers quickly establish and manage development environments. EaaS simplifies infrastructure management, helping developers work faster and create better apps.

Lightstep from ServiceNow deepens commitment to OpenTelemetry project

At Lightstep, we’ve seen many organizations grapple with “cloud-native sticker shock” as they come to understand that these complex systems require sifting through massive amounts of data across architectures and proprietary solutions. In today’s macroeconomic environment, organizations are looking to reduce costs while driving innovation, especially when it comes to cloud-native applications.

Delivering Simplicity in Provisioning Multi-Cloud Services with Tanzu Application Platform and Upbound

Today we are excited to announce our partnership with Upbound, a certified VMware Tanzu Application Platform partner! With this partnership, customers can deliver services across multiple clouds, more quickly and at scale, thus accelerating new capabilities and a better, more seamless experience.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Hiring Outsourcing SEO Services

SEO Outsourcing Services have become progressively famous among organizations hoping to develop their web search tool rankings and online visibility. However, outsourcing accompanies your arrangement of difficulties and potential traps that can adversely affect your SEO efforts. In this article, we'll explore a few pitfalls while outsourcing SEO services benefits and give tips on the most skillful method to avoid them.

Incident Response Guide

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is a critical discipline that focuses on ensuring the continuous availability and performance of modern systems and applications. One of the most vital aspects of SRE is incident response, a structured process for identifying, assessing, and resolving system incidents that can lead to downtime, revenue loss, and brand reputation damage.
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What are the common challenges in IT Operations management?

IT operations management manages the day-to-day operations of an information technology (IT) department. The goal of IT operations management is to ensure that the department runs smoothly and efficiently while meeting the needs of the business. However, ITOM can be a challenge, as there are several factors to consider. IT operations management has been encountering a few challenges recently, mainly due to the evolving dynamics set off by the COVID-19 pandemic. The IT landscape has been changing rapidly, and operations staff feel pressure to keep up. They are also challenged by the complexity of the current IT landscape and the need to shore up their resources with enterprise support and infrastructure.