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DKP 2.5 Takes Multi-cloud, Multi-cluster Kubernetes Management to the Next Level

The latest release of the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP), version 2.5 shows multi-cloud and multi-cluster management reaching greater levels of centralized control. Enhancements include centralized multi-cloud, multicluster fleet management and the ability to easily expand DKP from single-cluster management platform to multi-cluster fleet management platform.

What Is Observability? Everything a Beginner Needs to Know

Observability originated in the field of engineering and has recently gained popularity in the world of software development. Put simply, observability refers to the ability to understand the internal state of a system based on its external outputs. IBM defines it as follows: As systems have become more complex, often including remote elements in cloud-based systems, management of the systems and troubleshooting faults and downtime have also become more complex.

Optimize your CI/CD Pipeline with Coralogix Tagging

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) has now become the de-facto standard for all engineering teams seeking to keep pace with the demands of the modern economy. At Coralogix, we operate some of the most advanced build and deploy pipelines in the world. We’ve baked that knowledge into our platform with a CI/CD Observability feature called Coralogix Tagging.

Flexible OpenTelemetry data generation for effective testing (Part 1)

Our OpenTelemetry data generator provides a seamless product-validation experience across all teams working in AppDynamics Cloud. OpenTelemetry™ is a complete telemetry system for monitoring both modern, distributed architectures in the cloud and more traditional on-prem applications.

SLO vs SLA vs SLI: A Complete Guide for DevOps Professionals

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, DevOps professionals strive to provide high-quality and dependable services for their users. An essential aspect of achieving this objective is understanding and effectively managing service level indicators (SLIs), service level objectives (SLOs) and service level agreements (SLAs). These metrics help guarantee that a service meets its performance and reliability targets.

Rest Assured, Cribl's Improved Webhook Can Now Write to Microsoft Sentinel

As version 4.0.4, we are excited to announce the capability of Cribl’s webhook to write to any destinations and APIs that requires OAuth including Microsoft Sentinel. Cribl has long supported OAuth in many destinations through native integrations but with the enhanced Webhook we can now write to any destination that require OAuth authentication.

Flexible OpenTelemetry data generation for effective testing (Part 2)

In this second (and final) segment, we continue to show how our OpenTelemetry data generator provides a seamless product-validation experience across all teams working in AppDynamics Cloud. In the first part of this two-blog series, we provided a high-level overview of OpenTelemetry™ (or OTel). a complete telemetry system for monitoring both modern, distributed architectures in the cloud and more traditional on-prem applications.

Kubernetes for Humans

Exciting days for Komodor! As KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2023 kicks off, we’re happy to share with the community our newest, developer-first set of capabilities. These new capabilities simplify the time-consuming, knowledge-intensive daily tasks associated with using Kubernetes as the underlying infrastructure for your applications. By doing so, Komodor empowers every developer to operate, troubleshoot and control Kubernetes applications through a single pane of glass.

Optimize Your Prisma Queries with AppSignal and OpenTelemetry

AppSignal integrates seamlessly with Prisma via OpenTelemetry to give you invaluable insights into how your application is performing. In this blog post, we'll outline how you can use AppSignal to optimize your application's Prisma integration, mitigate inefficient database queries, spot anomalies, and improve your application's scalability.

The Biggest Website Outages of All Time

As much as we all love the internet and everything it offers, we’ve also all experienced that sinking feeling when we try to access our favorite website, only to find it’s down. If you run your own site, you know that uptime is crucial for your online success — so that sinking feeling in your chest when your own website is down is … well, even worse. But let’s face it: even the internet giants aren’t immune to outages.