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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Introducing Unified Observability Platform by VMware Aria Operations for Applications

At VMware, we are on a mission to build a comprehensive, extensible, and intelligent monitoring and observability platform to help businesses run seamlessly. Over the past few years, we have evolved our platform to deliver invaluable end-to-end observability across applications and infrastructure.

Observability: A Concept That Goes Back to the Founding of the Internet

With its market size reaching more than $2 billion in 2020, you’d think that a universal definition of the term observability would have emerged by now. But it turns out that a clear definition of a term or industry isn’t necessarily a prerequisite for the rapid growth of its market size — just ask everyone at your next dinner party to define blockchain for you and see how many different answers you get!

A Quick Guide to Observability vs APM vs Monitoring

The terms observability, APM, and monitoring are often used interchangeably. However, these solutions can actually be quite different depending on the overall needs of the business. In this video, SolarWinds Principal Product Marketing Manager Pete Di Stefano explains the differences between each of these terms and how using intelligence to integrate insights from APM and monitoring into a centralized observability solution is key to gaining a more comprehensive understanding of your entire IT ecosystem.

The SRE's Quick Guide to Kubectl Logs

Logs are key to monitoring the performance of your applications. Kubernetes offers a command line tool for interacting with the control plane of a Kubernetes cluster called Kubectl. This tool allows debugging, monitoring, and, most importantly, logging capabilities. There are many great tools for SREs. However, Kubernetes supports Site Reliability Engineering principles through its capacity to standardize the definition, architecture, and orchestration of containerized applications.

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Data Value Gap - Data Observability and Data Fabric - Missing Piece of AI/AIOps

A pivotal inhibitor to mitigate these challenges is the Data Value Gap. Data automation and Data Fabric are emerging as key technologies to overcome these challenges. Learn from industry experts about these key technologies and how they create a lasting impact in enterprise IT.

Schneider Electric consolidates monitoring tools by 83% with LogicMonitor

Schneider Electric consolidated its monitoring tools by 83% after onboarding LogicMonitor's observability platform. Schneider Electric, one of the most sustainable companies on the planet, is always striving to make energy better. This is done with the help of unified observability.

Building a Cost-Effective Full Observability Solution Around Open APIs and CNCF Projects

A full Observability stack has the goal of providing full centralized visibility to Development, Operations and Security teams into all of the Metrics, Logs and Traces generated by the applications and services under their domain. Many companies address these observability needs by buying a complete application performance management (APM) solution from a single vendor, like DataDog.

Secure Your Software Supply Chain Using Observability Webinar

Fequent software supply chain attacks are becoming the new normal for developers and security professionals everywhere. Even though it’s still relatively new, observability has continued to gain momentum as a way to identify software supply chain issues before they become a major disruption. Having access to the right data at the right time is necessary to make decisions about priorities. We’ve assembled a panel of experts from software, security, and data to talk about observability and what it means to your software supply chain security

Authors' Cut-Actionable SLOs Based on What Matters Most

SLOs—or Service Level Objectives—can be pretty powerful. They provide a safety net that helps teams identify and fix issues before they reach unacceptable levels and degrade the user experience. But SLOs can also be intimidating. Here’s how a lot of teams feel about them: We know we want SLOs, we’re not sure how to really use them, and we don’t know how to debug SLO-based alerts. Don’t worry, we’ve got your answer—observability!