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How to Contribute to Detection Rules in Elastic Security - Version 7.10

Elastic Security has open sourced all our detection rules to work alongside the security community to stop threats at scale and arm every analyst. As part of our belief in the power of open source, Elastic includes prebuilt rules within the Security App to detect threats automatically. In this video, you’ll learn how you can contribute by creating a new rule, adding your new rule to the detection rules repo, and getting credit for it in the Elastic contributor program.

Anodot Tutorial: Introducing Business Impact Alerts

Now there’s an easy way to measure the business impact of every incident. Anodot lets you set a monetary value for each measure you monitor. Once you set the Impact Value, future alerts will show you how much the anomaly has cost you thus far. Anodot is the only monitoring solution built from the ground up to find and fix key business incidents, as they’re happening. As opposed to most monitoring solutions, which focus on machine and system data to track performance, Anodot also monitors the more volatile and less predictable business metrics that directly impact your company’s bottom line.

StartingPoint - 2020 - Testimonials - Sean Velasquez, Managing Partner of American Income Life

Sean Velasquez, Managing Partner of American Income Life and Cohen-Velasquez Agency, shares his testimonial of using StartingPoint to create efficient workflow operations for his team and his customers and clients.

Robin.io 2021 Momentum

Robin.io has seen a lot of momentum heading into 2021. Robin.io provides an application and data management platform that enables enterprises and 5G service providers to deliver complex application pipelines as a service. Built on industry-standard Kubernetes, Robin allows developers and platform engineers to rapidly deploy and easily manage data- and network-centric applications—including big data, NoSQL and 5G—independent of underlying infrastructure resources.

StartingPoint - 2020 - Testimonial - Chris Trujillo, Director of Customer Operations at Employbridge

Chris Trujillo, Director of Customer Operations at Employbridge, shares his testimonial of Employbridge's use of StartingPoint to improve their customer operations and customer experience.