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Monitoring IGEL Endpoint Deployments with eG Enterprise

eG Innovations has joined the new IGEL Ready program as a technology partner. IGEL Ready opens up the company’s core enterprise software for tech companies like eG Innovations to integrate and validate its products, driving business growth and flexible access to enterprise applications for mutual customers of eG Innovations and IGEL.

Building w/ Observability- Honeycomb & CircleCI

Do you know exactly what your builds are doing at every step of the way to prod and after they’ve been deployed? A key part of what lets you ship code to production often and quickly is having observability in your builds. Together, CircleCI and Honeycomb can help you get both speed and quality when shipping code to production. In this webinar, we’ll not only examine how CircleCI and Honeycomb work well together, we’ll also look at how Honeycomb used both products together to identify changes that impacted their build times and reduced them by 25%.

How to Monitor IoT Devices at Scale Webinar

Releasing a connected device in today's world without some form of monitoring in place is a recipe for trouble. And as you increase your fleet size, more and more issues arise, causing more and more trouble. In this webinar, Tyler demonstrated how to build out your IoT monitoring solutions using metrics allowing you to scale your fleet without adding more issues. Using metrics to monitor a fleet of connected devices allows for assessing the health of thousands to millions of devices, all while keeping complexity, bandwidth, and power consumption to a minimum.

CI/CD quick tip: Custom Slack message on code deployment

Notify Slack on deployment with a message customized for your team. This video walks you through how to create a Slack app, register a webhook, and use that webhook in your continuous delivery pipeline to send a custom message to Slack. If you don't want to do it yourself, try deployment notification in Sleuth. LINKS SLEUTH.

Runtime Threat Detection on AWS

Tune into our #LinkedInLive event on Jan 12 at 10 am PST and Join Sysdig and AWS experts to learn how to detect and respond to threats to your production applications running on services like AWS Fargate and Amazon EKS. With the rise of microservices and DevOps practices, new security threats put your infrastructure and applications at risk. Hear how to leverage signals from AWS CloudTrail and open source Falco to spot unexpected behavior, block threats, and validate compliance across your AWS environment.