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Monitoring Website Performance From China

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up a monitoring device to monitor from behind the Great Firewall of China. See firsthand how performance issues from China can impact your website performance across different geo-locations. We'll show you how to filter out specific elements on your page so you don't get alerted of known issues. Learn more about the monitoring solutions from Dotcom-Monitor -

Getting started with Cloud Logging

Want to make sure that your cloud services are free from any vulnerabilities, threats, or errors that can make it unreliable? In this episode of Stack Doctor, we show you the new features in Google Cloud Logging, teach you how to navigate the new and improved Logs Viewer and build log queries, and give you an in-depth analysis of the Log Router. Watch to learn what’s new with Cloud Logging!

Live Kubernetes Debugging with the Elastic Stack - Philipp Krenn (Elastic)

Your Kubernetes app is down. Your users start ranting on Twitter. Your boss is standing right behind you. What do you do? This talk walks you through a live debugging session without panicking: We are using the Elastic Stack in this demo with a special focus on its Kubernetes integration with metadata enrichment and autodiscovery in combination with APM / tracing, metrics, logs, and health checks.

DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates - Baruch Sadogursky (JFrog)

So, you want to update the software for your user, be it the nodes in your K8s cluster, a browser on user’s desktop, an app in user’s smartphone or even a user’s car. What can possibly go wrong? In this talk, we’ll analyze real-world software update fails and how multiple DevOps patterns, that fit a variety of scenarios, could have saved the developers. Manually making sure that everything works before sending an update and expecting the user to do acceptance tests before they update is most definitely not on the list of such patterns.