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Monitor MariaDB running in Amazon RDS with Foglight for Databases

I had a customer who was curious if Foglight could be used to monitor MariaDB running in Amazon RDS. This customer was already monitoring SQL Server and MongoDB with Foglight, and was eager to see if it could extend to this new MariaDB based application. While MariaDB "should" be functionally equivalent to MySQL, and given that Foglight has a cartridge for MySQL, I figured it would work, but wanted to step through it myself to make sure there were no gotcha's.

Trust Sentry on NuGet: Package Prefix Reservation

As a pillar of the .NET ecosystem, NuGet specifies how .NET packages are created, hosted, and consumed, while also providing the necessary tools to achieve these functions. Despite being relatively new (launched in 2010), all project templates from Microsoft’s Visual Studio have included packages that required NuGet.org for several years.

Logz.io Releases Alice The First Observability Bot to accelerate Chat-Ops and Data Insight On-the-Go

Boston and Tel Aviv — August 22, 2018 — Logz.io, the leader in AI-powered log analysis, releases Alice, a new Slack-based ChatOps solution that empowers DevOps teams to easily accelerate collaboration and data exploration in a manner that is flexible and accessible on-the-go. The tool enables DevOps teams to implement a ChatOps approach to logging and monitoring directly within Slack and remain connected regardless of their location.

Simple/hard metrics that help reduce MTTR when looking for a root cause

Recently there was a mini-incident in a data center where we host our servers. It did not affect our service after all. And thanks to the right operational metrics, we’ve been able to instantly figure our what’s happening. But then an thought came up to me, how we would’ve been racking our heads trying to understand what’s happening without 2 simple metrics.

5 Server Monitoring Tools you should check out

You work on your software’s performance. But let’s face it: production is where the rubber meets the road. If your application is slow or it fails, then nothing else matters. Are you monitoring your applications in production? Do you see errors and performance problems as they happen? Or do you only see them after users complain? Worse yet, do you never hear about them? What tools do you have in place for tracking performance issues? Can you follow them back to their source?

Simplifying security auditing, Part 2: Auditing systems that store sensitive data

In part 1, we looked at an overview of auditing servers. In this blog, we’ll discuss which events you need to audit in your databases and file servers where sensitive data is stored. New data protection regulations and large-scale global attacks have made this more important than ever before. The main goal is to not only ensure that the accesses and modifications to sensitive data in your network are authorized, but also that file and column integrity are maintained.