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Bullet-proof MSP critical alerting

Dynamic Network Solutions, located in the greater Washington D.C. area, prides itself in providing the highest quality customer service. The company works extensively with its customers to manage client needs and provide them with significant training to avoid unwanted security incidents and downtime. Dynamic Network Solutions has many points of touch with their clients in order to ensure great service and ensure networks and technologies are always running.

Deploying to StatusCake with Terraform

Terraform is a powerful tool which allows you to build, change and version your infrastructure efficiently and absent any challenges. It supports a range of existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. Terraform has a strong set of features, including Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource graphs and Change automation. You can check out some common use cases for Terraform here.

Migrating to Sensu, as told by a Nagios refugee

One of our favorite stories at Sensu is hearing how our customers are using, repurposing, and even replacing their Nagios setup. The Sensu monitoring event pipeline lets you run your existing Nagios plugins while also preparing you for what’s next; while Nagios has been tried and true for many, Sensu empowers businesses to modernize their infrastructure with a comprehensive, future-proof monitoring solution.

MSPs Face Highly Fragmented Network Hardware Market

WATERLOO, ON / August 28, 2018 — The network hardware market is highly fragmented, with hundreds of equipment vendors vying for market share, says a new report from Auvik Networks. There’s intense competition in the network switch, router, firewall, and access point hardware markets, with upwards of 40 vendors competing in each category.

Managing Network Vendor Diversity: The MSP Challenge

Whether you inherit an IT environment or build it from scratch, managing your clients’ network infrastructure can be a real headache. Keeping clients’ network devices functioning so they stay connected and productive requires complex manual tasks, expensive expertise, and tons of valuable time—that is, if you don’t use software to simplify and automate network management activities.

Comparing The Compare - Quest Foglight and Toad

To compare is to measure, estimate, or make note of two or more “ things’ “ similarities and/or differences. It helps us better understand the items. A versus B. Sometimes it is done to learn which one is ‘better’. Other times, it is to determine those feature or properties that are different. That difference can be important when drawing conclusions. We are comparing things everyday sometimes without even being fully aware that we are doing so.

New Feature Spotlight:StatusKeeper welcomes SMS/text notifications to your hosted status page!

Email arrives constantly; when we’re in the office or “on the go”. More than occasionally a new email might be briefly overlooked if we’re working another task or it just gets lost in the “noise”. Whatever the case, they don’t always get the attention that an incoming text message might.