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MAUI provider upgrades v2: Real User Monitoring + Crash Reporting

I’ve written previously about the process of adding Real User Monitoring capabilities to our MAUI provider. I’m excited to say that this work is now live, batteries and all, plus some more improvements since the last blog. To recap the state of cross-platform development in the.NET ecosystem, Xamarin is out of support as of May 1st! This is replaced by.NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI), meaning developers need appropriate tools when they make the switch.

Crossed 10 Million Docker Downloads, Improved Dashboards UX with New Panel Types & OSS Summit - SigNal 36

Welcome to SigNal 36, the 36th edition of our monthly product newsletter! We crossed 10 Million Docker downloads for our open source project. We’ve enhanced our Dashboards UX and incorporated feedback from users in different areas of our product. Let’s see what humans of SigNoz were up to in the month of April 2024.
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JS Toolbox 2024: Frameworks and static site generators

In 2024, JavaScript is bigger than ever. The ecosystem is just as huge, and almost impossible to keep track of - so I've had a go at picking out 2024's most essential JS tools for you. In part 1 of this series, we reviewed runtimes and package managers, the foundational building blocks of your software project. So in part 2, we're analyzing the tools which form the walls and roof that give your software project its structure: frameworks and static site generators. For this installment of JS Toolbox 2024, we explore various frameworks & generators available in the JavaScript & TypeScript ecosystem, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases.

Cisco announces standalone Secure Application, offering increased flexibility to security teams

Cisco's Secure Application is now available as an independent application on the Cisco Observability Platform and can be deployed with or without Cisco Cloud Observability. This announcement increases the flexibility offered to IT professionals and allows in house security teams to harness powerful security capabilities without committing to cloud native application performance monitoring.

Announcing AI Error Resolution

After months of anticipation (and invaluable input from our beta testers!) we’re so excited to officially share AI Error Resolution. We can say firsthand that this tool helps developers resolve issues with renewed speed and accuracy, using AI-powered suggestions on the root cause of errors and how to fix them. Testing has shown how effectively this feature can pinpoint the source of an error and produce the most efficient method to resolve it, accelerating the entire debugging process.

Jaeger vs Tempo - key features, differences, and alternatives

Both Grafana Tempo and Jaeger are tools aimed at distributed tracing for microservice architecture. Jaeger was released as an open-source project by Uber in 2015, while Tempo is a newer product announced in October 2020. Jaeger is a popular open-source tool that graduated as a project from Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Grafana Tempo is a high-volume distributed tracing tool deeply integrated with other open-source tools like Prometheus and Loki.

Checkly adds deep synthetic monitoring to Coralogix with new integration

Starting today, Checkly users can send their traces from synthetics checks to Coralogix to view in-depth synthetic user data along with back-end APM based tracing. This gives SRE’s and Operations engineers a new insight into how the system is responding to automated synthetic tests of your service. For Checkly users, integrating with Coralogix data means it’s easy to correlate end-to-end user experience with backend performance, and track poor performance to its root cause.

AI realism (part two)

Emotions are running high about AI technologies. In this 2-parter, I do my best to make a rational case for the state of AI, and how we can respond to it. This is the second part; catch up with part one here. Today, we’ll talk about developing a company culture that thrives on experimentation and unpredictability. I’ll describe the conditions that can keep a product company nimble and healthy during a period of rapid change, enabling it to take advantage of emerging technologies.

Integrations for new Data Sources, Upgrades to Alerts & Kubecon Paris - SigNal 35

Welcome to the 35th edition of our monthly product newsletter - SigNal 35! We have made significant advancements in enhancing our product. The integration feature we shipped will enable quick-start monitoring for popular technologies in SigNoz. Let’s see what humans of SigNoz were up to in the month of March 2024.

How an APM Alternative Helps You Do Observability Right

Every software-driven business strives for optimum performance and user experience. Observability—which allows engineering and IT Ops teams to understand the internal state of their cloud applications and infrastructure based on available telemetry data —has emerged as a crucial practice to help engage this process. For years, application performance monitoring (APM) was the de facto practice and tooling that organizations have used to keep tabs on their critical systems.