We’re happy to announce that we now offer a free trial of our VictoriaMetrics Enterprise solution! Designed to help solve an organisation’s monitoring and observability set ups, no matter the scale, VictoriaMetrics Enterprise provides reliable, secure and cost-efficient monitoring. The free trial of VictoriaMetrics Enterprise is perfect for organisations with large data loads, for whom cost-efficient monitoring is mission-critical.
On Dec. 5, 2013, Torkel Ödegaard made the first commit in GitHub for a personal project that would become Grafana. “It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since Torkel launched Grafana, growing from a small man with a big dream to becoming the most popular data visualization software in the world,” says Grafana Labs co-founder and CEO Raj Dutt. “The Story of Grafana” chronicles that meteoric journey.
Uncover how to reach Level 1 in S2C2F a framework for secure OSS consumption.
Sentry started life in 2008 as an unlicensed, 71-line Django plugin. The next year we began publishing it under BSD-3, and ten years later we switched to the Business Source License (BSL or BUSL). Last year we purchased Codecov, and a few months ago we published it under BSL/BUSL as well. That led to some vigorous debate because of our use of the term “Open Source” to describe Codecov, from which emerged this helpful suggestion from Adam Jacob, co-founder of Chef.
As a software product company that helps customers bring new products to market, 3Pillar Global relies on tight-knit coordination and communication to move projects forward. When the team was looking for a new collaboration solution that would enable them to communicate in real time, they looked for an open source option.
Welcome to our 2nd blog in our series on how to securely consume Open Source Software (OSS). Attacks targeting OSS are on the rise, making the security of your software supply chain a top priority. The 1st blog gave an overview of some of the most common types of attacks. Today we’ll explore the Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F) that can help you mitigate against these attacks.