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Incident Management

The latest News and Information on Incident Management, On-Call, Incident Response and related technologies.

Introduction to Kubernetes Imperative Commands

Kubernetes was born out of the need to make our complex applications highly available, scalable, portable and deployable in small microservices independently. It also extends its capabilities to make adoption of DevOps processes and helps you set up modern Incident Response strategies to enhance the reliability of your applications.

Tickets Make Operations Unnecessarily Miserable

IT Operations has always been difficult. There is always too much work to do—and not enough time to do it. The frequent interruptions and high levels of toil certainly don’t help. Moreover, there is relentless pressure from executives that question why everything takes too long, breaks too often, and costs too much. In search of improvement, we have repeatedly bet on new tools to improve our work.

Plesk 360 + Squadcast: Alert Routing Made Easy

Plesk is a popular web hosting platform that makes it easier for administrators to set up and manage websites. Its offering Plesk 360 empowers users to Monitor & Manage Servers more effectively. With its features like fully integrated site & server monitoring helps users keep track of performance and prevent downtime.

Tagging & Routing at Squadcast | Incident Management | Squadcast

Event Tagging is a rule-based, auto-tagging system with which you can define customized tags based on incident payloads, that get automatically assigned to incidents when they are triggered. Auto-add relevant information like priority, severity or alert type to make incoming incidents context-rich. Route alerts to the right responder(s) based on the tags they carry

Escalation Policy I Round Robin & Advanced Escalations I Incident Assignment Strategies I Squadcast

An escalation policy is a collection of rules used to define how and when an incident should be escalated. In Squadcast an Incident escalation happens when a responder hands off the task/incident to another member, and this handoff is subject to specific rules. This video explains how to set up Escalation Policies, and Round Robin Incident Assignment Strategy in Squadcast.

Integrating Microsoft Teams & Squadcast - Acknowledge, Resolve & Reassign Incidents | Squadcast

Teams using MS Teams can now integrate with Squadcast and easily Acknowledge, Resolve & Reassign incidents using MS Teams. You can configure Squadcast to send a notification to the configured MS Teams channel as soon as an incident is triggered.

Creating Routing Rules I Creating Incident Routing Flows I Alert Routing I Event Tags I Squadcast

Alert Routing allows you to configure Routing Rules to ensure that alerts are routed to the right responder with the help of event tags attached to them. This video explains how you can utilise Routing rules to create various incident routing flows.

Integrating Slack & Squadcast- Trigger, Acknowledge, Resolve & Reassign incidents from Slack channel

You can integrate Squadcast and Slack to collaborate efficiently with your team while working on incidents. Squadcast sends a notification to the configured Slack Channel as soon as an incident is triggered.