
Get instant Grafana dashboards for Prometheus metrics with the Elixir PromEx library

I have been using Grafana for almost four years now, and in that time it has become my go-to tool for my application observability needs. Especially now that Grafana allows you to also view logs and traces, you can easily have all three pillars of observability surfaced through Grafana. As a result, when I started working on the Elixir PromEx library, having Grafana be the end target for the metrics dashboards made perfect sense.

Benchmarking Grafana Enterprise Metrics for horizontally scaling Prometheus up to 500 million active series

Since we launched Grafana Enterprise Metrics (GEM), our self-hosted Prometheus service, last year, we’ve seen customers run it at great scale. We have clusters with more than 100 million metrics, and GEM’s new scalable compactor can handle an estimated 650 million active series. Still, we wanted to run performance tests that would more definitively show GEM’s horizontal scalability and allow us to get more accurate TCO estimates.

How PayIt, a secure cloud service provider for digital government, uses Grafana and Prometheus for observability at cloud native scale

A trip to the DMV — and a realization that there had to be a better, more modern way for the system to work — sparked the idea for PayIt, a secure cloud service provider for digital government that launched in 2013. The company’s mission is to help state, local, and government agencies reach their constituents better and more effectively, shifting the reliance from in-office payments to digital ones.

Dashboard Server: Working with the PowerShell tile

Amongst all the cool features of SquaredUp Dashboard Server, the coolest kid on the block is probably the PowerShell tile. The reason is simple – PowerShell is easy, it’s awesome, and it’s powerful! You can not only retrieve data from the source (like the APIs), but you can also manipulate that data, work with variables, loop it, filter it, and use it in whichever way works the best. Like they say, the things PowerShell can do are only restricted by the proficiency of the user.

We've added first-class Windows support to Grafana Agent

The Grafana Agent team is happy to announce that Grafana Agent 0.14.0-rc2 includes improved Windows support. Up until now, running Grafana Agent — our tool for gathering metrics, logs, and traces — in Windows was difficult and not well supported for Windows best practices. In short, it was not a good Windows citizen. In the new release candidate, we’re making changes to improve the experience, based on feedback from GitHub issues, customer contacts, and our own experience.

Trying Out OpenSearch with Logz.io

I’m excited to see our vision for an open source path forward for Elasticsearch and Kibana taking shape with OpenSearch! Since Elastic announced its intent to close-source Elasticsearch and Kibana, we’ve been working in full gear to have an open source path forward for these projects. This is our commitment to our users, this is our commitment to the community. We’ve collaborated with AWS and others to fork Elasticsearch and Kibana and create OpenSearch.

Q&A with Grafana Labs CEO Raj Dutt about our licensing changes

When Grafana Labs CEO and co-founder Raj Dutt announced to the team that the company would be relicensing our core open source projects from Apache 2.0 to AGPLv3, he opened the floor for discussion and encouraged anyone who had further questions to reach out. We believe in honesty and transparency, so we collected hard questions from Grafanistas, and Raj answered them for this public Q&A. The time felt right. As I’ve said publicly before, I’ve been thinking about this topic for years.

Grafana, Loki, and Tempo will be relicensed to AGPLv3

Grafana Labs was founded in 2014 to build a sustainable business around the open source Grafana project, so that revenue from our commercial offerings could be re-invested in the technology and the community. Since then, we’ve expanded further in the open source world — creating Grafana Loki and Grafana Tempo and contributing heavily to projects such as Graphite, Prometheus, and Cortex — while building the Grafana Cloud and Grafana Enterprise Stack products for customers.