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Track Errors in Phoenix for Elixir with AppSignal

AppSignal is a powerful error tracking and performance monitoring tool that can help you maintain reliability and speed in your Elixir applications. In this tutorial, the first of a two-part series, you'll learn how to integrate AppSignal into your Elixir application, configure it for error tracking, interpret error reports, and leverage AppSignal's features to debug and resolve issues.

Boost HTTP Client Monitoring in Elixir with AppSignal and Tesla Templates

When relying on data from external services, it's important for the retrieval to be accurate and timely. While we may not control how efficiently an external API responds to our requests, we can control how and when we request data from that API. However, over time as your application and the API that serves it change, once efficient requests may turn into bottlenecks.

Monitoring Your Elixir GraphQL API with AppSignal

While a GraphQL API may be less susceptible to the common REST API performance issues of under and over-fetching data, allowing users to request and receive a wide range of data in a single, nestable query can also come with performance risks. AppSignal for Elixir now supports Absinthe out of the box, and automatically adds Absinthe spans to your app's metrics. AppSignal also automatically instruments Ecto, giving you insights into your application's queries.

AppSignal for Elixir Now Supports Oban

If you're using Oban for managing background jobs in your Elixir application and want to gain a deeper data-driven understanding of how they perform, you've come to the right place. AppSignal for Elixir now automatically instruments Oban, meaning you can now monitor the performance of your background jobs through an AppSignal Magic Dashboard, which gives you detailed information on queue times, processing times, and notifies you of any exceptions.

Elixir - Monitor your Elixir Application with OpenTelemetry and SigNoz

SigNoz provides query and visualization capabilities for the end-user and comes with out-of-box charts for application metrics and traces. Now let’s get down to how to implement OpenTelemetry in your Elixir application. More about SigNoz: SigNoz - Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications, an open-source alternative to DataDog, New Relic, etc. Backed by Y Combinator.

Monitor your Elixir application with OpenTelemetry and SigNoz

OpenTelemetry can be used to instrument your Elixir applications to generate telemetry data. The telemetry data can then be visualized using an observability tool to monitor your Elixir application performance. In this tutorial, we will use OpenTelemetry Elixir libraries to instrument an Elixir application and then visualize it using SigNoz. Somewhere during the lifetime of an application, it's inevitable that it will have some performance issues.

Monitor Scheduler Utilization in Elixir With AppSignal

When it comes to monitoring your Elixir application, it's challenging to make sense of the many metrics and statistics that you can read from the internals of the Erlang virtual machine. In this post, we'll be looking at the scheduler utilization metric in order to understand what it is, why we should monitor it, and how to monitor it.