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Top 10 Git GUI Clients for Linux

Git is an open-source version control system that is used to store code and web content in repositories. Git was designed to facilitate collaborative projects between developers. But leveraging the power of Git via the command line can be challenging to master, so many developers choose to use GUI clients to make using Git commands and actions more visual and simple.

Best Practices to Ensure Sustainable, Enterprise-Wide Open Source Software Adoption

Over the past two decades, adoption of open source software (OSS) among enterprises has become commonplace. In fact, because of the many advantages of open source, it is now almost impossible to find a business that does not rely on OSS. And with the proliferation of modern cloud native apps and microservices, this is only more true. Modern applications are built with open source, and you wouldn’t want to do it any other way.

The A to Z of Devices You Can Remote Control

When most professionals hear the term “mobile device management,” they generally assume that an MDM can only remote control company-issued phones. Several years ago, this idea may have been accurate. But as the digital devices in our world have exploded in number, so, too, has the umbrella of what an MDM can remotely control. Now the right MDM can remote control practically any device with a screen and an interface.

Using AI & ML to Identify Incident Causation

In this week’s podcast episode, we explore the role of AI and machine learning in incident management and response, including the benefits and potential future of these technologies. We welcome guest, Dan Buckley, Director NMS at Hughes Network Systems, who shares his experiences and insights on the subject, discussing the business value of AI and the current state of the AIOps ecosystem.

5 open source projects to contribute to in 2023 | Open Source Matters

Welcome to Open Source Matters, where we cover the latest developments in open source technology. In this special edition, we’re covering 5 open source projects you should consider contributing to in 2023. I’m your host, Ben Lloyd Pearson — now, in no particular order, let’s dive in!