Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

How to

Kubernetes Monitoring Demo: How to Lower Costs and Improve Fleet Efficiency | Grafana

The Kubernetes Monitoring app in Grafana Cloud helps you visualize infrastructure costs across providers, identify unallocated and idle resources, and visualize and optimize Kubernetes resources. In this video, Vijay Tolani shows how to lower costs and improve fleet efficiency with the Kubernetes Monitoring app in Grafana Cloud.

How to level up your Microsoft ecosystem for ITAM with InvGate Insight

We show you how to use Active Directory, Entra, Azure, Intune, and Windows features in InvGate Insight. Learn to sync users, manage cloud assets, track devices, handle Microsoft contracts, and deploy software. Learn how to effortlessly sync users, manage cloud resources, track devices, handle Microsoft contracts, and deploy software—all within InvGate Insight.

Canned Responses and Snippets: Your Key to Accurate, Consistent Communication

Watch this quick video to discover how to use snippets for canned responses, predefined answers, and more! Learn how Alloy Navigator helps save time, enhance efficiency, and ensure consistent, accurate communication across your company. Key moments: Streamline your ITSM/ITAM routines and boost customer satisfaction!

Exploring Cloud Migration: Opportunities, Challenges, and Investment Priorities

Exploring Cloud Migration: Opportunities, Challenges, and Investment Priorities The discussion kicks off with the potential of 'lift and shift' in cloud migration, tackling worries about reinventing processes and saving costs. It delves into investment priorities such as assets, discovery, and enhancing the digital employee experience. The latest additions to the portfolio offer a unified dashboard, making customer interactions more straightforward.

GitKraken Desktop Tutorial: How to Create a Pull Request

Learn how to create a pull request in GitKraken Desktop! From utilizing the GUI's drag-and-drop functionality to integrating with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, this comprehensive guide has everything you need to collaborate effectively with your team, manage your repositories, and simplify your development process.

What is The ITIL Priority Matrix And How to Use One

Done well, an ITIL Priority Matrix can decrease service downtime, improve customer and employee experience, and make request and change processes more efficient. In this video, we'll cover what a Priority Matrix is, how it works, and the pros and cons of using one. We'll also identify some essential concepts you need to be familiar with.

How to balance reliability with other DevOps priorities

Reliability efforts do take up some bandwidth, but in the end it's worth it—as our customers find out when their outage costs go down. "Everyone has their own priorities that they're dealing with. Given unlimited time and money, absolutely everyone would want to build the best possible system that is the most secure, performant, resilient, and everything.