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The U.S. Department of Defense formally authorizes Grafana, Grafana Enterprise, and Loki for its 100,000 developers

Not so long ago, development teams working for the U.S. Department of Defense could take anywhere from three to ten years to deliver software. “It was mostly teams using waterfall, no minimum viable product, no incremental delivery, and no feedback loop from end users,” Nicolas M. Chaillan, Chief Software Officer of the U.S. Air Force, said in a CNCF case study. “Particularly when it comes to AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity, everyone realized we have to move faster.”

With the Salesforce plugin for Grafana, easily visualize your SFDC data and correlate it with other data sources

Good news for Salesforce users: With the new Salesforce plugin for Grafana, available now with an Enterprise license, you can instantly visualize your SFDC data in Grafana dashboards. Plus, Grafana allows you to visualize the Salesforce data alongside all sorts of other data. One interesting use case is correlating sales data to system metrics and logs, which would be valuable if your company uses any software systems at all to help generate revenue.

Logit.io Announces The Beta Launch Of Hosted Grafana

We are pleased to announce the beta launch of hosted Grafana in addition to our existing ELK as a Service & hosted Open Distro services. As organisations around the world are constantly looking for ways that they can ensure compliance is being upheld, speeding up Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) and reducing the risk of DDoS attacks, managed Grafana forms a vital role in improving metrics observability across the entirety of your infrastructure.

Introducing Pre-Installed Logz.io Metrics Dashboard Bundles

We are proud to announce the launch of direct dashboard uploads with Logz.io. These new metrics dashboard templates are available for 25 different tools and more to come. Each of these templates is now available to Logz.io customers and covers the gamut of popular monitoring tools used by DevOps teams. Some of these tools also include multiple options. The process is simple. Head into the Logz.io app and head to your metrics account.

How to visualize real-time data from an IoT smart home weather station with Grafana dashboards

One of the experiences I’ve truly enjoyed over my first year as a senior solutions engineer here at Grafana Labs has been learning from our community and customers about their own Grafana journeys. I’ve been impressed by some remarkable dashboards for home automation, personal health data visualizations, family Minecraft statistics, and energy usage projects.

What Are the Limitations of Dashboards?

For modern businesses faced with increasing volumes and complexity of data, it’s no longer efficient or feasible to rely on analyzing data in BI dashboards. Traditional dashboards are great at providing business leaders with insights into what’s happened in the past, but what if they need actionable information in real time? What if they want to use their data to estimate what may happen in the future? Companies are taking notice.

Grafana vs Kibana: The Updated Guide For 2022

If you have any experience with comparing open source data visualisation tools then it is very likely you will have encountered both Kibana and Grafana during your research and discovery phase. As two of the most popular solutions for logs and metrics analysis, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two and make the choice to use either Grafana or Kibana depending on the analysis task at hand.

How Sitech builds modern industrial IoT monitoring solutions on Grafana Cloud

Chemelot is an industrial park in the Netherlands with more than 150 companies in chemical and process industries that are working to build the most sustainable and competitive chemical site in Western Europe. Sitech Services is part of making that happen. The Dutch technology firm brings together maintenance and engineering specialists with data scientists to create multidisciplinary solutions that achieve optimal safety, efficient infrastructure, and efficient processes for the plants.