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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Set up Let's Encrypt TLS Encryption using the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller

When it comes to TLS in Kubernetes, the first thing to appreciate when you use the HAProxy Ingress Controller is that all traffic for all services traveling to your Kubernetes cluster passes through HAProxy. Requests are then routed towards the appropriate backend services depending on metadata in the request, such as the Host header. So, by enabling TLS in your ingress controller, you’re adding secure communication to all of your services at once. HAProxy is known for its advanced support of the important performance-oriented features available in TLS.

Securing and Monitoring AWS Container Services

Developers, operations, and security teams must work together to address key workflows to secure and monitor containers, Kubernetes and cloud services across the entire cloud-native lifecycle. By addressing mage scanning, runtime security, and compliance, along with monitoring for Kubernetes, container, applications, and cloud services you can automate protection and performance management to accelerate cloud adoption.

What Are SSL Certificate Errors: Causes & Best Practices on How to Prevent and Fix Them

What do you think of a website that displays SSL/TLS certificate errors when you visit it? Most people abandon it in disappointment. A certain amount of trust and respect for the service is lost. After investing a lot of effort and time in getting users to visit your site, and the user finds the site down or showing a warning, it will result in having dissatisfied users. Moreover, if the downtime or warning is due to a security issue, it will also hurt your brand image.

The Employee Offboarding Checklist for IT Pros

Network hardware failures. Internet outages. DDoS attacks. These are the types of disruptions you probably spend your time preparing to handle. But there’s another potential source of trouble that most IT pros think about much less frequently, and which happens far more often: employee offboarding. Whether an employee is leaving to pursue another opportunity or an employee is being terminated, you need to make sure your company’s network and data are secure.

Best Practices for Delivering a Business-Driven Security Posture

The main focus for cybersecurity teams — moving beyond compliance — is to deliver the level of security required to manage the likelihood of a breach and the potential impact to the business. This is more effective than simply focusing on the cost of delivering security services.

Reduce Security Cost by Shifting Left

With the emergence of “Shift Left” as common practice for development, we’re seeing many opportunities to reduce costs around our development practices, but what about security? Prisma Cloud is supporting “Shift Left” by making their scanning capabilities available to Developers and CI Tooling to run scans against microservice projects. As a bonus, the Prisma Cloud product suite scanning capabilities fit perfectly within Codefresh.

Getting up and running with Calico on EKS

In this session, we will go over the design considerations and available options to run Calico on EKS. After this session you’ll be able to Understand the available supported options to run Calico on EKS Understand the various design considerations of running scalable EKS clusters with Calico Learn about the value-added capabilities of Calico Enterprise on EKS