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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Automatic Instrumentation for OpenTelemetry Go

The OpenTelemetry Go project now supports automatic instrumentation via eBPF! This is a big milestone for the project and makes it significantly easier to generate data from your Go apps: The automatic instrumentation agent is still in s/alpha/beta today, but it’s ready for you to try on your applications!

Announcing Easy Connect - The Fastest Path to Full Observability

Logz.io is excited to announce Easy Connect, which will enable our customers to go from zero to full observability in minutes. By automating service discovery and application instrumentation, Easy Connect provides nearly instant visibility into any component in your Kubernetes-based environment – from your infrastructure to your applications. Since applications have been monitored, collecting logs, metrics, and traces have often been siloed and complex.

Cloud Native Application Observability - Sensitive Data Masking for logs

Masking sensitive data in logs is crucial for ensuring the protection and privacy of sensitive information. If exposed, personally identifiable information (PII), financial details, and healthcare records pose significant risks. By masking this data in logs, organizations can prevent unauthorized access, comply with data protection regulations, mitigate insider threats, reduce the attack surface for potential breaches, and enable effective auditing and investigation without compromising sensitive information.

Sumo Logic Customer Brown Bag - Observability - July 31st, 2023

In this session, Jeff Deininger, Architect Solutions Engineer from Sumo Logic, shows how to perform version control using Sumo Logic API. If you are interested in an engagement to receive additional guidance from Sumo Logic's Professional Services team, please reach out to your Sumo Logic Account Manager and/or Customer Success Manager.

How to Implement Cloud Cost Optimization in Observability

Although microservices and cloud architectures are the new norm for modern applications, cloud cost optimization could run high in observability. High costs are largely due to the number of components involved in cloud architectures. According to Cloud Data Insights in a recent report, around 71% of IT companies say that cloud observability logs are growing at an alarming rate— a driving factor for rising observability costs.

CriblCon 2023 Keynote Session

On July 17th, 2023, more than 400 Cribl users came together at The Mirage in Las Vegas to celebrate each other and the power of learning at CriblCon. The theme of our conference, “Do Different,” resonated throughout the day, emphasizing our commitment to innovation and highlighting the distinctive approach our customers and employees bring to every aspect of their work.

Top PostgreSQL Monitoring Tools in 2023

Armed with the right PostgreSQL monitoring tools, database administrators and developers can identify potential bottlenecks, troubleshoot problems and make informed decisions to optimize their database environments. Monitoring PostgreSQL databases provides invaluable insight into their performance, health and overall efficiency.

Continuous Observability: Shedding Light on CI/CD Pipelines

DevOps is not just about operating software in production, but also releasing that software to production. Well-functioning continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are critical for the business, and this calls for quality observability to ensure that Lead Time for Changes is kept short and that broken and flaky pipelines are quickly identified and remediated.