
  |  By Uptrace
Log management tools provide visibility into the performance and behavior of systems, applications, networks, and infrastructure components. By collecting and analyzing logs, you can monitor for anomalies, track trends, and identify potential issues before they escalate. Choosing the right log management solution requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure that it meets your specific needs and goals. Here are the most popular open source log management tools to help you choose.
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The Uptrace team is pleased to present the latest v1.7 release, which introduces dark mode, revamped navigation, dashboards list, system tracing metrics, and much more.
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Distributed tracing tools are essential in modern software development and operations for monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing complex distributed systems. The best tracing tools can help you eliminate performance bottlenecks and recover from incidents faster. Use this guide to pick the right one for you.
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Choosing an OpenTelemetry backend depends on several factors, such as your monitoring and observability requirements, current infrastructure, scalability needs, and budget constraints.
  |  By Uptrace
In Golang, the "context deadline exceeded" error typically occurs when an operation exceeds the context deadline. This article is a troubleshooting guide for this error and its possible causes.
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The Uptrace team is pleased to present the latest v1.6 release, which adds support for service graphs, Prometheus remote write, Grafana data source for Prometheus, annotations, and much more.
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Splunk is a powerful tool for data analysis and monitoring, but it comes with some challenges, particularly regarding cost and complexity. Here are some Splunk alternative solutions and open-source tools that offer similar functionality to Splunk, which may be more cost-effective for some organizations.
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Logging in Golang is an essential aspect of software development, as it helps developers monitor, troubleshoot, and analyze the behavior of their applications.
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Jaeger, a renowned distributed tracing system, has been a trusted companion for developers and operations teams seeking to unravel the complexities of microservices architectures. However, as the landscape continues to evolve, the time has come to explore Jaeger alternatives that offer distinct features and advantages.
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In structured logging, log messages are broken down into key-value pairs, making it easier to search, filter, and analyze logs. This is in contrast to traditional logging, which usually consists of unstructured text that is difficult to parse and analyze.
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Uptrace is an OpenTelemetry tracing tool that monitors performance, errors, and logs

Uptrace is an open source APM that supports distributed tracing, metrics, and logs. You can use it to monitor applications and set up automatic alerts to receive notifications via email, Slack, Telegram, and more.

Uptrace collects and analyzes data from a variety of sources, including servers, databases, cloud providers, monitoring tools, and custom applications. It provides a unified view of the entire technology stack, enabling you to monitor the performance, availability, and health of your systems in real time.


  • Single UI for traces, metrics, and logs.
  • SQL-like query language to aggregate spans.
  • Promql-like language to aggregate metrics.
  • Built-in alerts with notifications via Email, Slack, WebHook, and AlertManager.
  • Pre-built metrics dashboards.
  • Multiple users/projects via YAML config.
  • Single sign-on (SSO): Okta, Keycloak, Cloudflare, Google Cloud, and others.
  • Ingestion using OpenTelemetry, Vector, FluentBit, CloudWatch, and more.
  • Efficient processing: more than 10K spans / second on a single core.
  • Excellent on-disk compression: 1KB span can be compressed down to ~40 bytes.

Open Source Observability with Traces, Metrics, and Logs.