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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Why Time Series Matters for Metrics, Real-Time and Sensor Data

In this technical paper, InfluxData CTO - Paul Dix will walk you through what time series is (and isn't), what makes it different than stream processing, full-text search and other solutions. He'll also work through why time series database engines are the superior choice for the monitoring, metrics, real-time analytics and Internet of Things/sensor data use cases.

So What is Observability Anyway

It’s amazing. It’s brand new. Everyone needs it. It is “the next best thing”. Only half of these statements are true, it is not new and it is not the next best thing. It is branding an existing paradigm that many companies use and rely on—but—it is amazing and everyone should want it. If you’re new to the concept, what does observability really mean and how can it help transform your operations?

Finding and fixing N+1 queries in Django apps

The Django ORM makes it easy to fetch data, but there's a downside: it's easy to write inefficient queries as the number of records in your database grows. One area where the ease of writing queries can bite is you is with N+1 queries. Expensive N+1 queries go undiscovered in small development databases. Finding expensive N+1 queries is an area where Scout is particularly helpful.

Drupal Security Scanner - Just in Time for Drupalgeddon2

Just as news hits of two highly critical security vulnerabilities in Drupal – a popular open source CMS that powers 4.2% of known CMS websites – we have expanded our external Vulnerability Scanner yet again with Drupal specific security checks. We now offer peace of mind for anyone with a WordPress, Joomla!, SilverStripe or Drupal site, as well as checks for thousands of known software and configuration vulnerabilities for all major software products and operating systems.

7 Common Web Application Performance Problems (and How to Solve Them)

One of the cornerstones of a successful business in today’s digital environment is ensuring that web application performance is user-friendly and runs smoothly. A well-oiled website and its applications represent the face of a company, and in an ideal scenario, they serve as a mark of reliability, innovation, and progress.

Introducing Dashboard Widgets

This morning we launched a new update for the RapidSpike App. This update includes a totally new Dashboard experience for our users. Our old dashboard – or “Home” screen – featured a number of fairly static graphs and charts showing your account usage. We felt that this screen was badly in need of an update to show off the cool and exciting facts and figures RapidSpike can generate.