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6 Use Cases for Digital Experience Monitoring

If you live and breathe in the technology industry, chances are you are hearing Digital Experience Monitoring a lot these days. So what is Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM), and why is IT obsessed with it? With a remote-first culture brewing in every company, IT needs to ensure that employees on their machines are productive and satisfied with the performance of typical enterprise applications such as Microsoft 365, Salesforce, Workday, etc. A DEM solution collects application and desktop user experience (UX) insights holistically, giving IT a broader context for troubleshooting performance issues. Let's discuss six use cases for DEM.

SharePoint, SharePoint Online Monitoring

If your organization leverages SharePoint for content, communication and collaboration then you must continuously test and monitor your SharePoint installations. Whether its SharePoint Online in Office 365, Hosted SharePoint on Azure or your own SharePoint 2016 installation, synthetic uptime and performance monitoring will help you find and fix problems, detect changes and plan your network and servers for capacity.

Skype for Business Monitoring

CloudReady Skype for Business Sensors continuously execute real conversations between Skype endpoints and capture metrics to determine the health of your network, ISPs, WiFI, Edge and Media Servers. Deploy sensors across multiple branch and cloud locations to model your different topologies, network conditions and scenarios for always-on monitoring and end-to-end test.

Facilitate DevOps Monitoring with Synthetics and RUM

DevOps is a common name in the technology household. Teams, small or big, are embracing this concept to deliver applications faster, improve software quality, and add efficiency in the development process from the very beginning. Shortening the feedback loop leads to a cost-effective way for businesses to find and fix defects earlier in the cycle process. Plus, it lowers the software failure rate in production and minimizes time wastage for the development team.

Proactive Microsoft 365 & Microsoft Teams Service Delivery Monitoring for Enterprise IT & MSPs

Providing an effective service – especially in a world with constantly evolving needs – goes beyond standard operating hours. Imagine if a bank only kept your investments secure while they were ‘open’ during their hours of standard operation? Issues can arise at any time and having effective service delivery monitoring and support for enterprise’s IT teams and managed service providers is critical.

Why Teams Performance Monitoring is More Than Just Measuring Uptime

When your organization’s very ability to share, collaborate and meet depends on Microsoft Teams performing, solely watching Teams service availability simply isn’t enough. Employees operate on the assumption that every bit of technology they rely on just works. Teams is the modern example of the most critical application to businesses today, with over 145 million daily active users.

How Does a Digital Experience Score Optimize the Workplace

User experience is subjective. For example, asking tourists visiting New York City about their experiences gives different answers. Likewise, end-users who work remotely with different resources and disparate assets can have varied experiences with their business applications. How can IT teams gather this experience data and react faster to improve experience? The answer is Digital Experience Scores.

How Martello's Microsoft 365 Solution Supports the Return to the Office

The global COVID-19 pandemic caused a massive and immediate shift to remote work which was bolstered by video conferencing telecommunication software such as Microsoft Teams. Although the world is still trying to heal (while simultaneously navigating new and evolving challenges) some organizations have started the process of having their employees return to work and explore new hybrid workforce environments.

How to Monitor Microsoft Exchange Online and Outlook Performance

Exoprise Email Graph sensor tests and monitors Microsoft 365 Exchange Online using the new Graph API. As businesses continue to operate remotely, it is more important than ever to have a robust email communication infrastructure for collaboration. When email access is down or slow, it impacts end-user productivity, and businesses suffer. CloudReady Email Graph API sensor synthetically tests Microsoft Graph authentication, permission access, uptime, and mailbox availability no matter what location. Monitor Office 365 Mail queues, SPAM filters and troubleshoot slow email delivery for exchange online.