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PD Summit21: MUX: Video Observability: Operational Alerting for Responding to Issues In Real-time

Streaming video accounts for the majority of internet traffic and your applications and infrastructure almost certainly include video. Mux Data allows you to easily monitor the real-time quality of experience delivered to your video viewers and integrating with PagerDuty you can automate a response and reduce the time to resolution when something goes wrong. We will cover the basics of video monitoring and how integrating with PagerDuty can ensure a great experience for viewers.

After analyzing 600,000 SQL queries, these are the top mistakes developers make - Oded Valin

Yalla! DevOps 2021 -- The first, in-person DevOps conference of the year! Driven by the DevOps community. All about the DevOps community. Users want to see their data fast, immediately, now. Whether you’re working with an ORM or writing native SQL, you probably had a “scratching-my-head-trying-to-figure-out-why-this-database-is-so-slow” moment. The team at EverSQL analyzed more than 600,000 SQL queries from thousands of different companies, to lay down the most common mistakes developers do when writing SQL queries. This talk focuses on writing SQL the right way, the fast way.

Deep-dive into Open Policy Agent + Conftest + GateKeeper - Shimon Tolts & Noaa Barki

Yalla! DevOps 2021 -- The first, in-person DevOps conference of the year! Driven by the DevOps community. All about the DevOps community. Deep-dive into Open Policy Agent + Conftest + GateKeeper: Kubernetes Policy in action In this session, we will do a deep-dive session into: Open Policy Agent, Conftest, and GateKeeper. We will show real-life use cases of how to use those technologies in production in order to configure and enforce a centralized policy for Kubernetes Shimon and Noaa will present both sides of the dev stack, DevOps and Developers.

Dissecting DevOps - Code-to-Cloud Visibility: The Framework for DevOps Success

Recording from the DevOps.com webinar Code-To-Cloud Visibility where Splunker Chris Riley covers the key concepts to maintain visibility from the point a feature is defined to the point that feature runs in production. Learn about the practices of DevSecOps, Pipeline Analytics, and Observability. And why a Code-To-Cloud strategy is necessary to support and accelerate Cloud and DevOps transformation.

PD Summit21: Responding to Chaos with Gremlin and PagerDuty

Incident response is something you hope to never need, but when you do, you want it to go smoothly and seamlessly. Normally the knowledge of how to handle incidents within your company will be built up over time, getting better with each incident. While tools such as PagerDuty's Major Incidents Application can help you recover quickly, the process you follow is just as important. This documentation will allow you to learn from the start something which has taken us years to build up. Giving you a head start on how to deal with a major incident in a way which leads to the fastest possible incident recovery.