Deep-dive into Open Policy Agent + Conftest + GateKeeper - Shimon Tolts & Noaa Barki

Deep-dive into Open Policy Agent + Conftest + GateKeeper - Shimon Tolts & Noaa Barki

Jul 21, 2021

Yalla! DevOps 2021 -- The first, in-person DevOps conference of the year! Driven by the DevOps community. All about the DevOps community.

Deep-dive into Open Policy Agent + Conftest + GateKeeper: Kubernetes Policy in action

In this session, we will do a deep-dive session into: Open Policy Agent, Conftest, and GateKeeper. We will show real-life use cases of how to use those technologies in production in order to configure and enforce a centralized policy for Kubernetes Shimon and Noaa will present both sides of the dev stack, DevOps and Developers.