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Public Demo - How to respond to incidents faster with ilert

In this public demo, you can get a first overview of how our incident response platform works. Our CEO, Birol, will show you how to manage on-call, respond to incidents and communicate them via status pages using a single application. Learn how ilert helps you to increase service uptime and become an uptime hero.

Hector Asset Management Software - How To Setup Time Slots For Reservations

Do you have room reservation issues? Would you like to setup part reservations by time slots? Introducing Hector, your ultimate asset manager. This short video will give you an overview on how you can setup time slots for room and part reservations. Our software is regularly updated with feedback from our users. Choose a solution that fits your needs! Hector is a SaaS solution that can be customized to your needs. Free yourself from the constraints of inventory management and choose a solution that suits you.

Watchdog: AI Across the Datadog Platform

Watchdog is Datadog’s AI engine, providing you with automated alerts, insights, and root cause analyses that draw from observability data across the entire Datadog platform. Watchdog continuously monitors your infrastructure and surfaces the signals that matter most, helping you quickly detect, troubleshoot, and resolve issues. Plus, all Watchdog features come built in—no setup required.

VictoriaMetrics Meetup December 2022

Welcome to the recording for the first VictoriaMetrics User Meet Up live-streamed on our YouTube Channel. Our Founders team discussed 2022 highlights, including features highlights, the 2023 roadmap for VictoriaMetrics, discussed the latest & greatest on Managed VictoriaMetrics - and we finished the meet up with an 'Ask Me Anything' session. Thanks for all the questions and the discussion! Enjoy the recording :-)