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OpsRamp Webinar - #NoOps? Or Yes, Ops! The Future of Operations in a DevOps World

What should be the role of IT ops in the new modern, hybrid, multi-cloud, cloud native world. Join Jason Bloomberg, president of analyst firm Intellyx, and Darren Cunningham, vice president, marketing from OpsRamp, as they discuss the new skills, approaches, and strategies that ops teams will require in this new world.

Elastic Stack Version 6.5: Feature Tour

The Elastic Stack 6.5 is packed full of features like cross-cluster replication of Elasticsearch data, Canvas (for presenting live Elasticsearch data), Kibana spaces (for organizing dashboards and visualizations), the Infrastructure UI, Beats Central Management, the Rollups UI, Functionbeat (for serverless shipping of your cloud data), enhancements for Elastic APM, and more.