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Azure Kubernetes Service in action

We are deploying 2 services on AKS, one will send messages to SB Queue (on VMSS) and the second (on Container Instance) will handle the messages. We will see how the pods (that we have deployed on Azure Container Instance) will scale out automatically with the increase of the messages in line. All communication direction is done via Application Gateway Ingress Controller.

Correlation Analysis Explained

When you detect that something is off in your business, how long does it take you to find the root cause? The longer it takes, the more it can cost you. Correlation analysis identifies relationships between KPIs, which business teams use to accelerate root cause analysis (RCA) and mean time to remediation (MTTR). Doing it manually however can be tedious and limit your visibility.

Civo: The story so far and our vision for the future - Mark Boost

Our CEO Mark Boost looks back at the Civo story so far, and our vision beyond the KUBE100 beta. Taken from our Online Meetup #6 session where we discussed our plans for ending the KUBE100 beta in the coming months, plus some of the exciting recent developments and future features we have in the works. Get free credit to try the world’s first K3s-powered, managed Kubernetes service.